Uses of Class

Packages that use EsfException
com.eurotech.framework Contains objects necessary to manage framework exceptions. 
com.eurotech.framework.clock Contains interface and event model to synchronize hardware clock. Provides services for managing communications between M2M applications and remote servers. 
com.eurotech.framework.comm Provides services for managing a connection with a serial port. 
com.eurotech.framework.configuration Contains services to manage all configurable components of the system. Provides services for connecting and communicating with a MQTT broker. Contains interfaces and event model to manage and configure network interfaces on a given system. Interfaces for all DHCP server instances. Provides services to manage interfaces and their priorities in the static routing table.   
com.eurotech.framework.usb Provides services and interfaces for finding and managing USB devices within the system. 

Uses of EsfException in com.eurotech.framework

Subclasses of EsfException in com.eurotech.framework
 class EsfConnectException
          EsfConnectException is raised during connect failures.
 class EsfNotConnectedException
          EsfNotConnectedException is raised when the attempted operation requires an active connection to the remote server while the current state is disconnected.
 class EsfPartialSuccessException
          EsfPartialSuccessException is used capture the response of bulk operations which allow for the failures of some of their steps.
 class EsfStoreCapacityReachedException
          EsfStoreCapacityReachedException is raised when a message can not be appended to the publishing queue as the internal database buffer has reached its capacity for messages that are not yet published or they are still in transit.
 class EsfStoreException
          EsfStoreException is raised when a failure occurred during a persistence operation.
 class EsfTimeoutException
          EsfTimeoutException is raised when the attempted operation failed to respond before the timeout exprises.
 class EsfTooManyInflightMessagesException
          EsfTooManyInflightMessagesException is raised if a publish is attempted when there are already too many messages queued for publishing.

Methods in com.eurotech.framework that return EsfException
static EsfException EsfException.internalError(String message)
          Factory method to build an EdcException with the EdcErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR code providing only a message.
static EsfException EsfException.internalError(Throwable cause)
          Factory method to build an EdcException with the EdcErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR code providing a cause and a message.
static EsfException EsfException.internalError(Throwable cause, String message)
          Factory method to build an EdcException with the EdcErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR code providing a cause and a message.

Uses of EsfException in com.eurotech.framework.clock

Methods in com.eurotech.framework.clock that throw EsfException
 Date ClockService.getLastSync()
          Returns a Date denoting when the clock was synchronized last.

Uses of EsfException in

Methods in that throw EsfException
 EsfResponsePayload appId, String appTopic, EsfPayload appPayload, int timeout)
          Sends a local (to this device) request to a Cloudlet application with the given application ID waiting for the response.
 EsfResponsePayload deviceId, String appId, String appTopic, EsfPayload appPayload, int timeout)
          Sends a request to a remote server or device identified by the specified deviceId and targeting the given application ID waiting for the response.
 int CloudClient.controlPublish(String appTopic, EsfPayload payload, int qos, boolean retain, int priority)
          Publishes a control message to the remote server.
 int CloudClient.controlPublish(String deviceId, String appTopic, byte[] payload, int qos, boolean retain, int priority)
          Publishes a control message to the remote server addressing it to another device with a raw byte array payload.
 int CloudClient.controlPublish(String deviceId, String appTopic, EsfPayload payload, int qos, boolean retain, int priority)
          Publishes a control message to the remote server addressing it to another device.
 void CloudClient.controlSubscribe(String appTopic, int qos)
          Subscribes to a control topic with the remote server.
 void CloudClient.controlUnsubscribe(String appTopic)
          Unsubscribes to a control topic with the remote server.
protected  void Cloudlet.doDel(CloudletTopic reqTopic, EsfRequestPayload reqPayload, EsfResponsePayload respPayload)
protected  void Cloudlet.doExec(CloudletTopic reqTopic, EsfRequestPayload reqPayload, EsfResponsePayload respPayload)
protected  void Cloudlet.doGet(CloudletTopic reqTopic, EsfRequestPayload reqPayload, EsfResponsePayload respPayload)
protected  void Cloudlet.doPost(CloudletTopic reqTopic, EsfRequestPayload reqPayload, EsfResponsePayload respPayload)
protected  void Cloudlet.doPut(CloudletTopic reqTopic, EsfRequestPayload reqPayload, EsfResponsePayload respPayload)
 List<Integer> CloudClient.getDroppedInFlightMessageIds()
          Finds the list of identifiers of in-flight messages that have been dropped.
 List<Integer> CloudClient.getInFlightMessageIds()
          Finds the list of identifiers of messages that are still in-flight (messages published but not confirmed yet).
 List<Integer> CloudClient.getUnpublishedMessageIds()
          Gets the list of identifiers of messages that have not been published yet.
 CloudClient CloudService.newCloudClient(String appId)
          Returns a new instance of the CloudClient for the given application Id.
 int CloudClient.publish(String appTopic, byte[] payload, int qos, boolean retain, int priority)
          Publishes a message to the remote server with a raw byte array payload.
 int CloudClient.publish(String appTopic, EsfPayload payload, int qos, boolean retain)
          Publishes a message to the remote server using the default priority 5.
 int CloudClient.publish(String appTopic, EsfPayload payload, int qos, boolean retain, int priority)
          Publishes a message to the remote server.
 void CloudClient.subscribe(String appTopic, int qos)
          Subscribes to a topic with the remote server.
 void CloudClient.unsubscribe(String appTopic)
          Unubscribes to a topic with the remote server.

Uses of EsfException in com.eurotech.framework.comm

Methods in com.eurotech.framework.comm that throw EsfException
 byte[] CommConnection.flushSerialBuffer()
          Reads all bytes that are waiting in the serial port buffer and returns them in an array.
 byte[] CommConnection.sendCommand(byte[] command, int timeout)
          Sends and array of bytes to a CommConnection and returns an array of bytes that represents the 'response' to the command.
 byte[] CommConnection.sendCommand(byte[] command, int timeout, int demark)
 void CommConnection.sendMessage(byte[] message)
          Sends and array of bytes to a CommConnection

Uses of EsfException in com.eurotech.framework.configuration

Methods in com.eurotech.framework.configuration that throw EsfException
 ComponentConfiguration ConfigurationService.getComponentConfiguration(String pid)
          Returns the ComponentConfiguration for the component identified with specified PID (service's persistent identity).
 List<ComponentConfiguration> ConfigurationService.getComponentConfigurations()
          Returns the list of ConfigurableComponents currently registered with the ConfigurationService.
 ComponentConfiguration SelfConfiguringComponent.getConfiguration()
          This method is called by the ConfigurationService when it requires the current snapshot of the configuration for this components.
 List<ComponentConfiguration> ConfigurationService.getSnapshot(long sid)
          Loads a snapshot given its ID and return the component configurations stored in that snapshot.
 Set<Long> ConfigurationService.getSnapshots()
          Returns the ID of all the snapshots taken by the ConfigurationService.
 long ConfigurationService.rollback()
          Rolls back to the last saved snapshot if available.
 void ConfigurationService.rollback(long id)
          Rolls back to the specified snapshot id.
 long ConfigurationService.snapshot()
          Takes a new snapshot of the current configuration of all the registered ConfigurableCompoenents.
 void ConfigurationService.updateConfiguration(String pid, Map<String,Object> properties)
          Updates the Configuration of the registered component with the specified pid.
 void ConfigurationService.updateConfigurations(List<ComponentConfiguration> configs)

Uses of EsfException in

Methods in that throw EsfException
 DataTransportToken DataTransportService.publish(String topic, byte[] payload, int qos, boolean retain)
          Enqueues a message for publishing with the underlying transport implementation.
 void DataTransportService.subscribe(String topic, int qos)
          Subscribes to a topic on the broker.
 void DataService.subscribe(String topic, int qos)
          Subscribes to the specified topic with the remote server.
 void DataTransportService.unsubscribe(String topic)
          Unsubscribes to a topic on the broker.
 void DataService.unsubscribe(String topic)
          Unubscribes to the specified topic with the remote server.

Uses of EsfException in

Methods in that throw EsfException
 void NetworkAdminService.disableInterface(String interfaceName)
          Disables the specified interface.
 void NetworkAdminService.enableInterface(String interfaceName, boolean dhcp)
          Enables the specified interface.
 List<NetInterface<? extends NetInterfaceAddress>> NetworkService.getActiveNetworkInterfaces()
          Return the active NetworkIntefaces which have active connections for the system.
 List<String> NetworkService.getAllNetworkInterfaceNames()
          Gets the names of all the network interface attached to the system.
 List<WifiAccessPoint> NetworkService.getAllWifiAccessPoints()
          Returns the list of all available WifiAccessPoints as seen from the system.
 List<NetConfig> NetworkAdminService.getFirewallConfiguration()
          Gets the firewall configuration of the system as currently specified
 String NetworkService.getModemPppPort(ModemDevice modemDevice)
 List<? extends NetInterfaceConfig<? extends NetInterfaceAddressConfig>> NetworkAdminService.getNetworkInterfaceConfigs()
          Returns a list of all of the configurations associated with all of the interfaces on the system.
 List<NetConfig> NetworkAdminService.getNetworkInterfaceConfigs(String interfaceName)
          Returns the configuration information for the specified NetworkInterface name.
 List<NetInterface<? extends NetInterfaceAddress>> NetworkService.getNetworkInterfaces()
          Gets the names of all the network interface attached to the system.
 NetworkState NetworkService.getState()
          Returns the overall state of the networking subsystem
 NetInterfaceState NetworkService.getState(String interfaceName)
          Returns the state of a specific network interface
 List<WifiAccessPoint> NetworkService.getWifiAccessPoints(String wifiInterfaceName)
          Returns the list of the WifiAccessPoints visible from the specified wifi network interface.
 Map<String,WifiHotspotInfo> NetworkAdminService.getWifiHotspots(String ifaceName)
 void NetworkAdminService.manageDhcpServer(String interfaceName, boolean enable, NetworkPair<IP4Address> allowedNetwork)
          Used to control DHCP servers on specified interfaces.
 void NetworkAdminService.manageFirewall(String gatewayIface)
          Updates the Firewall configuration based on current environmental conditions.
 void NetworkAdminService.renewDhcpLease(String interfaceName)
          Releases current IP address and acquires a new lease for the provided interface.
 void NetConfigIP.setAddress(T address)
          Sets the static address to be assigned to the interface.
 void NetworkAdminService.setFirewallOpenPortConfiguration(List<FirewallOpenPortConfigIP<? extends IPAddress>> firewallConfiguration)
          Sets the 'open port' portion of the firewall configuration
 void NetworkAdminService.setFirewallPortForwardingConfiguration(List<FirewallPortForwardConfigIP<? extends IPAddress>> firewallConfiguration)
          Sets the 'port forwarding' portion of the firewall configuration
 void NetConfigIP.setNetworkPrefixLength(short networkPrefixLength)
          Sets the prefix length to be used for the network interface
 void NetConfigIP.setSubnetMask(T subnetMask)
          Sets the subnet mask to be used for the network interface
 void NetworkAdminService.updateEthernetInterfaceConfig(String interfaceName, boolean autoConnect, int mtu, List<NetConfig> netConfigs)
          Updates the configuration of the specified EthernetInterface.
 void NetworkAdminService.updateModemInterfaceConfig(String interfaceName, String serialNum, String modemId, int pppNumber, boolean autoConnect, int mtu, List<NetConfig> netConfigs)
          Updates the configuration of the specified ModemInterface.
 void NetworkAdminService.updateWifiInterfaceConfig(String interfaceName, boolean autoConnect, WifiAccessPoint accessPoint, List<NetConfig> netConfigs)
          Updates the configuration of the specified WifiInterface.

Constructors in that throw EsfException
NetConfigIP4(NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean autoConnect, IP4Address address, IP4Address subnetMask, IP4Address gateway)
NetConfigIP4(NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean autoConnect, IP4Address address, short networkPrefixLength, IP4Address gateway)
NetConfigIP6(NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean autoConnect, IP6Address address, IP6Address subnetMask, IP6Address gateway)
          Constructor for a Static Configuration for a network interface based on IPv6 addresses.
NetConfigIP6(NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean autoConnect, IP6Address address, short networkPrefixLength, IP6Address gateway)
          Constructor for a Static Configuration for a network interface based on IPv6 addresses.

Uses of EsfException in

Methods in that throw EsfException
 boolean DhcpServer.isRunning()
          Returns whether or not the DhcpServer is actively running or not

Uses of EsfException in

Methods in that throw EsfException
 void RoutingAgentService.addInterface(NetInterfaceConfig netIfaceConfig)
          Adds interface to RoutingAgent
 String RoutingAgentService.getDefaultGateway()
          Get the default gateway
 void RoutingAgentService.removeInterface(String interfaceName)
          Removes interface from RoutingAgent

Uses of EsfException in

Methods in that throw EsfException
 byte[] VpnService.getConfiguration()
 void VpnService.setConfiguration(byte[] vpnConfiguration)
 void VpnService.start(String username, String password)
 void VpnService.stop()

Uses of EsfException in

Methods in that throw EsfException
protected  void VpnClient.doExec(CloudletTopic reqTopic, EsfRequestPayload reqPayload, EsfResponsePayload respPayload)
protected  void VpnClient.doGet(CloudletTopic reqTopic, EsfRequestPayload reqPayload, EsfResponsePayload respPayload)

Uses of EsfException in

Methods in that throw EsfException
 byte[] OpenVpnServiceImpl.getConfiguration()
 void OpenVpnServiceImpl.setConfiguration(byte[] vpnConfiguration)
 void OpenVpnServiceImpl.start(String username, String password)
 void OpenVpnServiceImpl.stop()

Uses of EsfException in com.eurotech.framework.protocol.can

Methods in com.eurotech.framework.protocol.can that throw EsfException
 CanMessage CanConnectionService.receiveCanMessage(int can_id, int can_mask)
          Reads frames that are waiting on socket CAN (all interfaces) and returns an array if canId is correct.
 CanMessage CanConnectionServiceImpl.receiveCanMessage(int can_id, int can_mask)
 void CanConnectionService.sendCanMessage(String ifName, int canId, byte[] message)
          Sends an array of bytes on a CAN socket
 void CanConnectionServiceImpl.sendCanMessage(String ifName, int canId, byte[] message)

Uses of EsfException in com.eurotech.framework.protocol.pcn

Methods in com.eurotech.framework.protocol.pcn that throw EsfException
 void Pcn1001SnpChannel.close()
          Closes PCN-1001 SNP channel
 void Pcn1001Service.enableDisableAutoLed(byte opcode)
 void Pcn1001.enableDisableAutoLed(byte opcode)
 void Pcn1001Service.enableDisableCounting(byte enOpcode)
          Enables/disables counting.
 void Pcn1001.enableDisableCounting(byte opcode)
 void Pcn1001Service.enableDisableDiagnostics(byte opcode)
          Enables/disables diagnostics.
 void Pcn1001.enableDisableDiagnostics(byte opcode)
 Pcn1001Service[] Pcn1001MasterService.getAllFunctionalCounters(boolean verifyWithPoll)
          Sends SNP polls to all configured passenger counters and reports all functional units.
 byte[] SnpMessage.getBytes()
          Answers byte array of the SNP message.
 Pcn1001AddressInfoService[] Pcn1001MasterService.getPcn1001AddressInfo()
          Obtains and reports PCN-1001 address information from all functional devices.
 boolean Pcn1001Service.isFunctional()
          Reports if passenger counter is accessible via SNP protocol by sending a poll to it and obtaining a reply.
 boolean Pcn1001.isFunctional()
 void Pcn1001Service.obtainDateAndTime()
          Obtains date and time information.
 void Pcn1001.obtainDateAndTime()
 void Pcn1001Service.obtainDiagnosticStatus()
          Obtains diagnostic status.
 void Pcn1001.obtainDiagnosticStatus()
 void Pcn1001Service.obtainFpgaFirmwareVersion()
          Obtains PCN-1001 FPGA firmware version.
 void Pcn1001.obtainFpgaFirmwareVersion()
 void Pcn1001Service.obtainImgServerVersion()
          Obtains PCN-1001 counting software version.
 void Pcn1001.obtainImgServerVersion()
 void Pcn1001Service.obtainInOutCounters()
          Obtains IN/OUT counters.
 void Pcn1001.obtainInOutCounters()
 void Pcn1001Service.obtainInputLineLevel(int line)
          Obtains level of specified Input Line.
 void Pcn1001.obtainInputLineLevel(int line)
 void Pcn1001Service.obtainKernelVersion()
          Obtains kernel version from passenger counter
 void Pcn1001.obtainKernelVersion()
 void Pcn1001Service.obtainOsVersion()
          Obtains PCN-1001 operating system version.
 void Pcn1001.obtainOsVersion()
 Pcn1001SnpChannelService Pcn1001SnpChannelAcquisition.obtainPcn1001SnpChannelService( connFactory, Properties connectionConfig, Object user, boolean exclusive)
 Pcn1001SnpChannelService Pcn1001SnpChannelAcquisitionService.obtainPcn1001SnpChannelService( connFactory, Properties connectionConfig, Object user, boolean exclusive)
          Obtains SNP channel service for a passenger counter.
 void Pcn1001SnpChannelAcquisition.releasePcn1001SnpChannelService(Pcn1001SnpChannelService service)
 void Pcn1001SnpChannelAcquisitionService.releasePcn1001SnpChannelService(Pcn1001SnpChannelService service)
          Releases supplied SNP channel service.
 void Pcn1001Service.resetInOutCounters(boolean verifyReset)
          Resets IN/OUT counters.
 void Pcn1001.resetInOutCounters(boolean verifyReset)
 SnpMessage Pcn1001SnpChannel.sendCommand(SnpMessage snpCmd, int tout)
 SnpMessage Pcn1001SnpChannelService.sendCommand(SnpMessage snpCmd, int tout)
          Sends SNP command to the passenger counter
 void Pcn1001Service.setDateAndTime(Calendar calendar)
          Sets date and time information.
 void Pcn1001.setDateAndTime(Calendar calendar)
 void Pcn1001Service.setInputLine(int line, short function)
          Sets function of digital input line specified.
 void Pcn1001.setInputLine(int line, short function)
 void Pcn1001Service.setIpAddress(String ipAddress)
          Sets IP address.
 void Pcn1001.setIpAddress(String ipAddress)
 void Pcn1001Service.setLedLightIntensity(int lightIntensity)
          Sets LED light intensity.
 void Pcn1001.setLedLightIntensity(int lightIntensity)
 void Pcn1001Service.setOutputOpenTime(int line, short openTime)
          Sets open time for specified optocoupled output
 void Pcn1001.setOutputOpenTime(int line, short openTime)
 boolean SnpMessage.validCrc16()
          Reports if CRC16 of the reply message is valid

Constructors in com.eurotech.framework.protocol.pcn that throw EsfException
Pcn1001SnpChannel( connFactory, Properties connectionConfig, org.osgi.framework.BundleContext bundleContext, Object user)
          Pcn1001SnpChannel constructor.
SnpMessage(ArrayList msg)
          SnpMessage - Reply constructor
SnpMessage(int src, int dst)
          SnpMessage constructor
SnpMessage(int src, int dst, String command)
          Short SNP message constructor
SnpMessage(int src, int dst, String command, ArrayList paramlist)
          SnpMessage constructor

Uses of EsfException in com.eurotech.framework.usb

Methods in com.eurotech.framework.usb that throw EsfException
 UsbServices UsbService.getUsbServices()
          Gets the UsbServices currently available as specified by JSR-80 in the javax.usb

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