
Contains interfaces and event model to manage and configure network interfaces on a given system.


Interface Summary
ConnectionInfo Interface for network interface 'connection info'.
EthernetInterface<T extends NetInterfaceAddress> Network interface for Ethernet cards.
EthernetMonitorService Placeholder for the EthernetLinkStateMonitorService
LoopbackInterface<T extends NetInterfaceAddress> Placeholder for a LoopbackInterface
NetConfig Marker interface for all network configuration classes
NetConfig4 Marker interface for IPv4-based configurations of network interfaces
NetConfig6 Marker interface for IPv6-based configurations of network interfaces
NetInterface<T extends NetInterfaceAddress> NetworkInterface represent a network interface of the system.
NetInterfaceAddress This class represents a Network Interface address as currently running on the system In short it's an IP address, a subnet mask and a broadcast address when the address is an IPv4 one.
NetInterfaceAddressConfig Extends a NetInterfaceAddress which is status as currently running on the system with the interface's configuration in the form of a List of NetConfig objects.
NetInterfaceConfig<T extends NetInterfaceAddressConfig> Marker class for NetInterfaceConfig objects
NetworkAdminService Service API for getting and setting network interface configurations.
NetworkService The NetworkService allows to browse and configure the network interfaces of the system.

Class Summary
IP4Address This class represents an Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address.
IP6Address This class represents an Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) address.
IPAddress This class represents an Internet Protocol (IP) address.
NetConfigIP<T extends IPAddress> Base class for configuration of network interfaces.
NetConfigIP4 Configuration for a network interface based on IPv4 addresses.
NetConfigIP6 Configuration for a network interface based on IPv6 addresses.
NetInterfaceAddedEvent An event raised when a new network interface has been added to the system.
NetInterfaceRemovedEvent An event raised when a network interface has been removed from the system.
NetInterfaceStateChangedEvent Event raised when the state of a network interface has changed.
NetworkPair<T extends IPAddress> Model class for a 'network' that is specified by an IP and a mask.
NetworkStateChangedEvent Event raised when the state of the network has changed.

Enum Summary
NetInterfaceState The current state of the a NetworkInterface.
NetInterfaceStatus Used to track interface configuration status
NetInterfaceType Used to store network interface types
NetProtocol Used to distinguish network protocol types
NetRouterMode Used to specify the route mode of each interface.
NetworkState The overall state of the networking subsystem.

Package Description

Contains interfaces and event model to manage and configure network interfaces on a given system.

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