Interface SelfConfiguringComponent
public interface SelfConfiguringComponent
A SelfConfiguringComponent is a configurable component which maintains its state.
A SelfConfiguringComponent exposes its configuration information to the ConfigurationService
and therefore can be have its configuration updated locally or remotely through the
ConfigurationService APIs.
However, a SelfConfiguringComponent does not rely on the ConfigurationService
to keep the storage of its configuration. The configuration state is kept
internally in the SelfConfiguringComponent or derived at runtime from
other resources such system resources.
An example of a SelfConfiguringComponent is the NetworkService whose state
is kept in the operating system instead of in the ConfigurationService.
ComponentConfiguration getConfiguration()
throws EsfException
- This method is called by the ConfigurationService when it requires
the current snapshot of the configuration for this components.
As SelfConfiguringComponents do not rely on the ConfigurationService
to capture and store the current configuration, this call is needed
to expose the current configuration externally and, for example,
being able to store it in snapshot files.
- Returns:
- the current configuration for this component
- Throws:
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