
Provides interfaces for instances and configurations of wifi devices.


Interface Summary
WifiAccessPoint The WifiAccessPoint models an access point for a Wifi network.
WifiClientMonitorService Marker interface for wifi client monitoring service
WifiInterface<T extends WifiInterfaceAddress> Wifi interface
WifiInterfaceAddress Interface for wifi status information
WifiInterfaceAddressConfig Contains both the wifi interface status as well as all current configurations

Class Summary
WifiAccessPointAddedEvent Emitted when a new access point is found by the device.
WifiAccessPointRemovedEvent Emitted when an access point disappears from view of the device.
WifiBgscan Background Scan container class
WifiConfig Configuration for a wifi interface based on IPv4 addresses.

Enum Summary
WifiBgscanModule Module for background scan
WifiCiphers Wifi Ciphers enum
WifiInterface.Capability Flags describing the capabilities of a wireless device.
WifiMode Modes of operation for wifi interfaces
WifiRadioMode Types of wifi radio modes
WifiSecurity Flags describing the security capabilities of an access point.

Package Description

Provides interfaces for instances and configurations of wifi devices.

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