Uses of Interface

Packages that use LSSerializer

Uses of LSSerializer in org.apache.xerces.dom

Methods in org.apache.xerces.dom that return LSSerializer
 LSSerializer CoreDOMImplementationImpl.createLSSerializer()
          DOM Level 3 LS CR - Experimental.

Uses of LSSerializer in

Subinterfaces of LSSerializer in
 interface DOMASWriter
          Deprecated. A Abstract Schema serialization interface.

DOMASWriters provides an API for serializing Abstract Schemas out in the form of a source Abstract Schema. The Abstract Schema is written to an output stream, the type of which depends on the specific language bindings in use.

DOMASWriter is a generic Abstract Schema serialization interface. It can be applied to both an internal Abstract Schema and/or an external Abstract Schema. DOMASWriter is applied to serialize a single Abstract Schema. Serializing a document with an active Internal Abstract Schema will serialize this internal Abstract Schema with the document as it is part of the Document (see LSSerializer).

See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Abstract Schemas and Load and Save Specification.


Uses of LSSerializer in org.apache.xml.serialize

Classes in org.apache.xml.serialize that implement LSSerializer
 class DOMSerializerImpl
          Deprecated. Replaced by org.apache.xml.serializer.dom3.LSSerializerImpl in Xerces 2.9.0.

Uses of LSSerializer in

Methods in that return LSSerializer
 LSSerializer DOMImplementationLS.createLSSerializer()
          Create a new LSSerializer object.