
Interface Summary
ASAttributeDeclaration Deprecated. An attribute declaration in the context of a ASObject.The constant 'REQUIRED' is missing from this interface.
ASContentModel Deprecated. The content model of a declared element.
ASDataType Deprecated. The datatypes supported by DOM AS implementations.
ASElementDeclaration Deprecated. The element name along with the content specification in the context of an ASObject.
ASEntityDeclaration Deprecated. Models a general entity declaration in an abstract schema.
ASModel Deprecated. To begin with, an abstract schema is a generic structure that could contain both internal and external subsets.
ASNamedObjectMap Deprecated. Objects implementing the ASNamedObjectMap interface are used to represent collections of abstract schema nodes that can be accessed by name.
ASNotationDeclaration Deprecated. This interface represents a notation declaration.
ASObject Deprecated. The ASObject interface is analogous to a Node in , e.g., an element declaration.
ASObjectList Deprecated. The ASObjectList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of AS nodes, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented.
CharacterDataEditAS Deprecated. This interface extends the NodeEditAS interface with additional methods for document editing.
DocumentAS Deprecated. This interface extends the Document interface with additional methods for both document and AS editing.
DocumentEditAS Deprecated. This interface extends the NodeEditAS interface with additional methods for both document and AS editing.
DOMASBuilder Deprecated. An Abstract Schema parser interface.
DOMASWriter Deprecated. A Abstract Schema serialization interface.
DOMImplementationAS Deprecated. This interface allows creation of an ASModel.
ElementEditAS Deprecated. This interface extends the Element interface with additional methods for guided document editing.
NodeEditAS Deprecated. This interface extends a Node from with additional methods for guided document editing.

Exception Summary
DOMASException Deprecated. Abstract Schemas operations may throw a DOMSystemException as described in their descriptions.