Uses of Class

Packages that use SymbolHash

Uses of SymbolHash in org.apache.xerces.impl.dv

Methods in org.apache.xerces.impl.dv that return SymbolHash
abstract  SymbolHash SchemaDVFactory.getBuiltInTypes()
          get all built-in simple types, which are stored in a SymbolHash keyed by the name

Uses of SymbolHash in org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs

Methods in org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs that return SymbolHash
 SymbolHash BaseDVFactory.getBuiltInTypes()
          get all built-in simple types, which are stored in a hashtable keyed by the name
 SymbolHash FullDVFactory.getBuiltInTypes()
          get all built-in simple types, which are stored in a hashtable keyed by the name
 SymbolHash SchemaDVFactoryImpl.getBuiltInTypes()
          get all built-in simple types, which are stored in a hashtable keyed by the name

Uses of SymbolHash in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs

Methods in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs with parameters of type SymbolHash
static void XSConstraints.checkElementDeclsConsistent(XSComplexTypeDecl type, XSParticleDecl particle, SymbolHash elemDeclHash, SubstitutionGroupHandler sgHandler)
static void XSConstraints.findElemInTable(XSComplexTypeDecl type, XSElementDecl elem, SymbolHash elemDeclHash)

Uses of SymbolHash in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.util

Constructors in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.util with parameters of type SymbolHash
XSNamedMap4Types(java.lang.String[] namespaces, SymbolHash[] maps, int num, short type)
          Construct an XSNamedMap implmentation for a list of namespaces
XSNamedMap4Types(java.lang.String namespace, SymbolHash map, short type)
          Construct an XSNamedMap implmentation for one namespace
XSNamedMapImpl(java.lang.String[] namespaces, SymbolHash[] maps, int num)
          Construct an XSNamedMap implmentation for a list of namespaces
XSNamedMapImpl(java.lang.String namespace, SymbolHash map)
          Construct an XSNamedMap implmentation for one namespace

Uses of SymbolHash in org.apache.xerces.util

Methods in org.apache.xerces.util that return SymbolHash
 SymbolHash SymbolHash.makeClone()
          Make a clone of this object.