Package org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs

Class Summary
AbstractDateTimeDV This is the base class of all date/time datatype validators.
AnySimpleDV Represent the schema type "anySimpleType"
AnyURIDV Represent the schema type "anyURI"
Base64BinaryDV Represent the schema type "base64Binary"
BaseDVFactory the factory to create/return built-in schema DVs and create user-defined DVs
BooleanDV Represent the schema type "boolean"
DateDV Validator for datatype (W3C Schema datatypes)
DateTimeDV Validator for <dateTime> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
DayDV Validator for <gDay> datatype (W3C Schema datatypes)
DecimalDV Represent the schema type "decimal"
DoubleDV Represent the schema type "double"
DurationDV Validator for <duration> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
EntityDV Represent the schema type "entity"
FloatDV Represent the schema type "float"
FullDVFactory the factory to create/return built-in schema DVs and create user-defined DVs
HexBinaryDV Represent the schema type "hexBinary"
IDDV Represent the schema type "ID"
IDREFDV Represent the schema type "IDREF"
IntegerDV Represent the schema type "integer"
ListDV Represent the schema list types
MonthDayDV Validator for <gMonthDay> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
MonthDV Validator for <gMonth> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
QNameDV Represent the schema type "QName" and "NOTATION"
SchemaDVFactoryImpl the factory to create/return built-in schema DVs and create user-defined DVs
StringDV Represent the schema type "string"
TimeDV Validator for <time> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
TypeValidator All primitive types plus ID/IDREF/ENTITY/INTEGER are derived from this abstract class.
UnionDV Represent the schema union types
YearDV Validator for <gYear> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
YearMonthDV Validator for <gYearMonth> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)

Exception Summary