Uses of Class

Packages that use UsbException
javax.usb Core interfaces and classes modeling USB devices, descriptors, communication pipes and requests/operations. 
javax.usb.event Classes and interfaces modeling an event model (similar to JavaBeans event model) for USB devices and pipes. 
javax.usb.util Various utility classes and interfaces that are used by other classes and interfaces in the javax.usb specification. 

Uses of UsbException in javax.usb

Subclasses of UsbException in javax.usb
 class UsbAbortException
          Exception indicating a submission was aborted.
 class UsbBabbleException
          Exception indicating a Babble error.
 class UsbBitStuffException
          Exception indicating a Bit-Stuff violation.
 class UsbClaimException
          Exception indicating an UsbInterface claim state prevents the current operation.
 class UsbCRCException
          Exception indicating a CRC error.
 class UsbNativeClaimException
          Exception indicating an UsbInterface is already natively claimed.
 class UsbPIDException
          Exception indicating a PID error.
 class UsbPlatformException
          Exception indicating a platform-specific UsbException.
 class UsbShortPacketException
          Exception indicating a short packet was detected.
 class UsbStallException
          Exception indicating a stall.

Methods in javax.usb that return UsbException
 UsbException UsbIrp.getUsbException()
          Get the UsbException.

Methods in javax.usb with parameters of type UsbException
 void UsbIrp.setUsbException(UsbException usbException)
          Set the UsbException.

Methods in javax.usb that throw UsbException
 UsbHub UsbServices.getRootUsbHub()
          Get the virtual UsbHub to which all physical Host Controller UsbHubs are attached.
          Open this UsbPipe.
 void UsbPipe.close()
          Close this UsbPipe.
 int UsbPipe.syncSubmit(byte[] data)
          Synchonously submit a byte[] to the UsbPipe.
 UsbIrp UsbPipe.asyncSubmit(byte[] data)
          Asynchonously submit a byte[] to the UsbPipe.
 void UsbPipe.syncSubmit(UsbIrp irp)
          Synchonously submit a UsbIrp to the UsbPipe.
 void UsbPipe.asyncSubmit(UsbIrp irp)
          Asynchonously submit a UsbIrp to the UsbPipe.
 void UsbPipe.syncSubmit(java.util.List list)
          Synchonously submit a List of UsbIrps to the UsbPipe.
 void UsbPipe.asyncSubmit(java.util.List list)
          Asynchonously submit a List of UsbIrps to the UsbPipe.
 void UsbInterface.claim()
          Claim this interface.
 void UsbInterface.claim(UsbInterfacePolicy policy)
          Claim this interface using a UsbInterfacePolicy.
 void UsbInterface.release()
          Release this interface.
 java.lang.String UsbInterface.getInterfaceString()
          Get the interface String.
static UsbServices UsbHostManager.getUsbServices()
          Get the UsbServices implementation.
static java.util.Properties UsbHostManager.getProperties()
          Get the Properties loaded from the properties file.
 java.lang.String UsbDevice.getManufacturerString()
          Get the manufacturer String.
 java.lang.String UsbDevice.getSerialNumberString()
          Get the serial number String.
 java.lang.String UsbDevice.getProductString()
          Get the product String.
 UsbStringDescriptor UsbDevice.getUsbStringDescriptor(byte index)
          Get the specified string descriptor.
 java.lang.String UsbDevice.getString(byte index)
          Get the String from the specified string descriptor.
 void UsbDevice.syncSubmit(UsbControlIrp irp)
          Submit a UsbControlIrp synchronously to the Default Control Pipe.
 void UsbDevice.asyncSubmit(UsbControlIrp irp)
          Submit a UsbControlIrp asynchronously to the Default Control Pipe.
 void UsbDevice.syncSubmit(java.util.List list)
          Submit a List of UsbControlIrps synchronously to the Default Control Pipe.
 void UsbDevice.asyncSubmit(java.util.List list)
          Submit a List of UsbControlIrps asynchronously to the Default Control Pipe.
 java.lang.String UsbConfiguration.getConfigurationString()
          Get the configuration String.

Uses of UsbException in javax.usb.event

Methods in javax.usb.event that return UsbException
 UsbException UsbPipeErrorEvent.getUsbException()
          Get the associated UsbException.
 UsbException UsbDeviceErrorEvent.getUsbException()
          Get the associated UsbException.

Constructors in javax.usb.event with parameters of type UsbException
UsbPipeErrorEvent(UsbPipe source, UsbException uE)

Uses of UsbException in javax.usb.util

Methods in javax.usb.util that return UsbException
 UsbException DefaultUsbIrp.getUsbException()
          Get the UsbException.

Methods in javax.usb.util with parameters of type UsbException
 void DefaultUsbIrp.setUsbException(UsbException exception)
          Set the UsbException.

Methods in javax.usb.util that throw UsbException
 java.lang.String UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbDevice.getManufacturerString()
 java.lang.String UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbDevice.getSerialNumberString()
 java.lang.String UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbDevice.getProductString()
 UsbStringDescriptor UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbDevice.getUsbStringDescriptor(byte index)
 java.lang.String UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbDevice.getString(byte index)
 void UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbDevice.syncSubmit(UsbControlIrp irp)
 void UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbDevice.asyncSubmit(UsbControlIrp irp)
 void UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbDevice.syncSubmit(java.util.List list)
 void UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbDevice.asyncSubmit(java.util.List list)
 void UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbPipe.close()
 int UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbPipe.syncSubmit(byte[] data)
 UsbIrp UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbPipe.asyncSubmit(byte[] data)
 void UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbPipe.syncSubmit(UsbIrp irp)
 void UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbPipe.asyncSubmit(UsbIrp irp)
 void UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbPipe.syncSubmit(java.util.List list)
 void UsbUtil.SynchronizedUsbPipe.asyncSubmit(java.util.List list)
 void StandardRequest.clearFeature(byte recipient, short featureSelector, short target)
          Clear Feature.
 byte StandardRequest.getConfiguration()
          Get Configuration.
 int StandardRequest.getDescriptor(byte type, byte index, short langid, byte[] data)
          Get Descriptor.
 byte StandardRequest.getInterface(short interfaceNumber)
          Get Interface.
 short StandardRequest.getStatus(byte recipient, short target)
          Get Status.
 void StandardRequest.setAddress(short deviceAddress)
          Set Address.
 void StandardRequest.setConfiguration(short configurationValue)
          Set Configuration.
 int StandardRequest.setDescriptor(byte type, byte index, short langid, byte[] data)
          Set Descriptor.
 void StandardRequest.setFeature(byte recipient, short featureSelector, short target)
          Set Feature.
 void StandardRequest.setInterface(short interfaceNumber, short alternateSetting)
          Set Interface.
 short StandardRequest.synchFrame(short endpointAddress)
          Synch Frame.
static void StandardRequest.clearFeature(UsbDevice usbDevice, byte recipient, short featureSelector, short target)
          Clear Feature.
static byte StandardRequest.getConfiguration(UsbDevice usbDevice)
          Get Configuration.
static int StandardRequest.getDescriptor(UsbDevice usbDevice, byte type, byte index, short langid, byte[] data)
          Get Descriptor.
static byte StandardRequest.getInterface(UsbDevice usbDevice, short interfaceNumber)
          Get Interface.
static short StandardRequest.getStatus(UsbDevice usbDevice, byte recipient, short target)
          Get Status.
static void StandardRequest.setAddress(UsbDevice usbDevice, short deviceAddress)
          Set Address.
static void StandardRequest.setConfiguration(UsbDevice usbDevice, short configurationValue)
          Set Configuration.
static int StandardRequest.setDescriptor(UsbDevice usbDevice, byte type, byte index, short langid, byte[] data)
          Set Descriptor.
static void StandardRequest.setFeature(UsbDevice usbDevice, byte recipient, short featureSelector, short target)
          Set Feature.
static void StandardRequest.setInterface(UsbDevice usbDevice, short interfaceNumber, short alternateSetting)
          Set Interface.
static short StandardRequest.synchFrame(UsbDevice usbDevice, short endpointAddress)
          Synch Frame.

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