com.esf.core Packages | |
com.esf.core.configuration.service | Interface for software components to request/receive/reject configuration data as well as request that configurations be archived within the Configuration Manager. |
com.esf.core.logger.service | Event logging service to pass event messages at varying severity levels to system log. |
com.esf.core.persistence.service | Definition of persistence states, used for fetching configurations with respect to their persistence levels. |
com.esf.core.system.bootstrap.service | Bundle loader for OSGi bundles. |
com.esf.core.system.manager.service | Provides basic system information including Operating System information, JVM information, and filesystem information. |
com.esf.core.system.monitor.service | Provides tools for the management of system level services. |
com.esf.device Packages | |
com.esf.device.bluetooth.discovery.service | Interface to device service found during the most recent Bluetooth device discovery process. |
com.esf.device.ethernet.service | Manages Ethernet device configurations. |
com.esf.device.gps.service | Reads location data from a GPS device. |
com.esf.device.modem.channel.service | Handles communication to a variety of modem plug-in devices. |
com.esf.device.modem.exception | Defines a variety of types of exception responses from various modems. |
com.esf.device.modem.factory.service | Factory class that dynamically generates an instance of the modem service class. |
com.esf.device.modem.manager.service | Modem manager that adds and removes modem services as needed. |
com.esf.device.modem.service | Interface definitions for generic modem and several specific types of modems. |
com.esf.device.serial.comm.service | Handles a non-event driven SerialComm port, intended for poll-response operation. |
com.esf.device.usb.manager.modem.service | Manages supported USB modem devices. |
com.esf.device.usb.manager.service | Manages USB devices in a system. |
com.esf.device.usb.manager.storage.service | Provides tools for management of USB Mass Storage devices. |
com.esf.device.usb.manager.usb2serial.service | Provides tools for management of USB-to-Serial devices. |
com.esf.device.watchdog.service | Provides methods for starting, stopping, and updating a hardware watchdog present on the system. |
com.esf.net Packages | |
com.esf.net.dhcp.server.service | Interface to set up DHCP server on a network adapter. |
com.esf.net.dnsproxy.service | Provides methods to set up a DNS proxy server on a network adapter. |
com.esf.net.firewall.service | Provides methods to configure Linux firewall settings. |
com.esf.net.linux.route.service | Provides methods to set up network routing in Linux systems. |
com.esf.net.modem.ppp.factory.service | Defines PPP Factory service interface. |
com.esf.net.ntp.service | Provides methods for configuring the NTP Service. |
com.esf.net.ppp.service | Defines PPP service interface. |
com.esf.net.termclient.service | Gives access from local serial port to a remote network TCP server, including AT modem emulation features. |
com.esf.net.termserv.service | Provides TCP server for network clients to access one or more local serial ports or a single parallel printer port. |
com.esf.net.udpserver.service | Provides a UDP server for network clients to access a local serial port, or a local serial port device can access a remote UDP server. |
com.esf.util Packages | |
com.esf.util.algorithm.crc | Calculates the CRC-16 (cyclical redundancy check) for an array of bytes. |
com.esf.util.gps | Provides utility functions for dealing with GPS devices. |
com.esf.util.net | Implementation of the com.esf.util.net.service.INetworkUtilityService. |
com.esf.util.net.bundle | OSGi activator for com.esf.util.net. |
com.esf.util.net.service | Utilities dealing with TCP/IP network interfaces. |
com.esf.util.proc | Implementation of com.esf.util.proc.service.IProcessUtilityService. |
com.esf.util.proc.bundle | OSGi activator for com.esf.util.proc. |
com.esf.util.proc.service | Provides utilities for dealing with starting and stopping system processes. |
com.esf.util.sort | Provides a quicksort utility for sorting arrays of integers. |
com.esf.util.validator.toclass | Provides functions to compare one or more values in an instantiated object with the values from the parent .service class. |
Platform-specific Packages | |
com.esf.sbc.catalyst.smbus.service | Allows access to the SM Bus on the Catalyst processor. |
com.esf.sbc.catalyst.system.management.service | Provides services to access GPIO, power, thermal, and other hardware features of the Catalyst processor. |
com.esf.sbc.helios.led.service | Provides services to control the action of the LEDs on the Helios platform. |
Other Packages | |
javax.usb | Core interfaces and classes modeling USB devices, descriptors, communication pipes and requests/operations. |
javax.usb.event | Classes and interfaces modeling an event model (similar to JavaBeans event model) for USB devices and pipes. |
javax.usb.util | Various utility classes and interfaces that are used by other classes and interfaces in the javax.usb specification. |