Everyware™ Software Framework
ESF Javadocs
See also: Quickstart Documentation

com.esf.core Packages
com.esf.core.configuration.service Interface for software components to request/receive/reject configuration data as well as request that configurations be archived within the Configuration Manager.
com.esf.core.logger.service Event logging service to pass event messages at varying severity levels to system log.
com.esf.core.persistence.service Definition of persistence states, used for fetching configurations with respect to their persistence levels.
com.esf.core.system.bootstrap.service Bundle loader for OSGi bundles.
com.esf.core.system.manager.service Provides basic system information including Operating System information, JVM information, and filesystem information.
com.esf.core.system.monitor.service Provides tools for the management of system level services.


com.esf.device Packages
com.esf.device.bluetooth.discovery.service Interface to device service found during the most recent Bluetooth device discovery process.
com.esf.device.ethernet.service Manages Ethernet device configurations.
com.esf.device.gps.service Reads location data from a GPS device.
com.esf.device.modem.channel.service Handles communication to a variety of modem plug-in devices.
com.esf.device.modem.exception Defines a variety of types of exception responses from various modems.
com.esf.device.modem.factory.service Factory class that dynamically generates an instance of the modem service class.
com.esf.device.modem.manager.service Modem manager that adds and removes modem services as needed.
com.esf.device.modem.service Interface definitions for generic modem and several specific types of modems.
com.esf.device.serial.comm.service Handles a non-event driven SerialComm port, intended for poll-response operation.
com.esf.device.usb.manager.modem.service Manages supported USB modem devices.
com.esf.device.usb.manager.service Manages USB devices in a system.
com.esf.device.usb.manager.storage.service Provides tools for management of USB Mass Storage devices.
com.esf.device.usb.manager.usb2serial.service Provides tools for management of USB-to-Serial devices.
com.esf.device.watchdog.service Provides methods for starting, stopping, and updating a hardware watchdog present on the system.


com.esf.net Packages
com.esf.net.dhcp.server.service Interface to set up DHCP server on a network adapter.
com.esf.net.dnsproxy.service Provides methods to set up a DNS proxy server on a network adapter.
com.esf.net.firewall.service Provides methods to configure Linux firewall settings.
com.esf.net.linux.route.service Provides methods to set up network routing in Linux systems.
com.esf.net.modem.ppp.factory.service Defines PPP Factory service interface.
com.esf.net.ntp.service Provides methods for configuring the NTP Service.
com.esf.net.ppp.service Defines PPP service interface.
com.esf.net.termclient.service Gives access from local serial port to a remote network TCP server, including AT modem emulation features.
com.esf.net.termserv.service Provides TCP server for network clients to access one or more local serial ports or a single parallel printer port.
com.esf.net.udpserver.service Provides a UDP server for network clients to access a local serial port, or a local serial port device can access a remote UDP server.


com.esf.util Packages
com.esf.util.algorithm.crc Calculates the CRC-16 (cyclical redundancy check) for an array of bytes.
com.esf.util.gps Provides utility functions for dealing with GPS devices.
com.esf.util.net Implementation of the com.esf.util.net.service.INetworkUtilityService.
com.esf.util.net.bundle OSGi activator for com.esf.util.net.
com.esf.util.net.service Utilities dealing with TCP/IP network interfaces.
com.esf.util.proc Implementation of com.esf.util.proc.service.IProcessUtilityService.
com.esf.util.proc.bundle OSGi activator for com.esf.util.proc.
com.esf.util.proc.service Provides utilities for dealing with starting and stopping system processes.
com.esf.util.sort Provides a quicksort utility for sorting arrays of integers.
com.esf.util.validator.toclass Provides functions to compare one or more values in an instantiated object with the values from the parent .service class.


Platform-specific Packages
com.esf.sbc.catalyst.smbus.service Allows access to the SM Bus on the Catalyst processor.
com.esf.sbc.catalyst.system.management.service Provides services to access GPIO, power, thermal, and other hardware features of the Catalyst processor.
com.esf.sbc.helios.led.service Provides services to control the action of the LEDs on the Helios platform.


Other Packages
javax.usb Core interfaces and classes modeling USB devices, descriptors, communication pipes and requests/operations.
javax.usb.event Classes and interfaces modeling an event model (similar to JavaBeans event model) for USB devices and pipes.
javax.usb.util Various utility classes and interfaces that are used by other classes and interfaces in the javax.usb specification.


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