Uses of Class

Packages that use EsfPayload Provides services for managing communications between M2M applications and remote servers. 
com.eurotech.framework.message Defines the recommended payload structure for the messages sent to the Everyware Cloud platform. 

Uses of EsfPayload in

Methods in with parameters of type EsfPayload
 EsfResponsePayload appId, String appTopic, EsfPayload appPayload, int timeout)
          Sends a local (to this device) request to a Cloudlet application with the given application ID waiting for the response.
 EsfResponsePayload deviceId, String appId, String appTopic, EsfPayload appPayload, int timeout)
          Sends a request to a remote server or device identified by the specified deviceId and targeting the given application ID waiting for the response.
 int CloudClient.controlPublish(String appTopic, EsfPayload payload, int qos, boolean retain, int priority)
          Publishes a control message to the remote server.
 int CloudClient.controlPublish(String deviceId, String appTopic, EsfPayload payload, int qos, boolean retain, int priority)
          Publishes a control message to the remote server addressing it to another device.
 void Cloudlet.onControlMessageArrived(String deviceId, String appTopic, EsfPayload msg, int qos, boolean retain)
 void CloudClientListener.onControlMessageArrived(String deviceId, String appTopic, EsfPayload msg, int qos, boolean retain)
          Called by the CloudClient when it receives a published control message from the broker.
 void Cloudlet.onMessageArrived(String deviceId, String appTopic, EsfPayload msg, int qos, boolean retain)
 void CloudClientListener.onMessageArrived(String deviceId, String appTopic, EsfPayload msg, int qos, boolean retain)
          Called by the client when it receives a published data message from the broker.
 int CloudClient.publish(String appTopic, EsfPayload payload, int qos, boolean retain)
          Publishes a message to the remote server using the default priority 5.
 int CloudClient.publish(String appTopic, EsfPayload payload, int qos, boolean retain, int priority)
          Publishes a message to the remote server.

Uses of EsfPayload in com.eurotech.framework.message

Subclasses of EsfPayload in com.eurotech.framework.message
 class EsfRequestPayload
 class EsfResponsePayload

Methods in com.eurotech.framework.message with parameters of type EsfPayload
static EsfRequestPayload EsfRequestPayload.buildFromEsfPayload(EsfPayload payload)

Constructors in com.eurotech.framework.message with parameters of type EsfPayload
EsfRequestPayload(EsfPayload payload)
EsfResponsePayload(EsfPayload esfPayload)

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