Package com.eurotech.framework.usb

Provides services and interfaces for finding and managing USB devices within the system.


Interface Summary
UsbDevice Interface for all USB devices
UsbService OSGi interface for getting JSR-80 javax.usb.UsbServices currently available in the system.

Class Summary
AbstractUsbDevice Base class for USB devices
UsbBlockDevice Representation of a USB block device.
UsbDeviceAddedEvent An event raised when a new USB device has been added to the system.
UsbDeviceRemovedEvent An event raised when a USB device has been removed from the system.
UsbModemDevice Representation of USB modem devices
UsbNetDevice Representation of USB network devices
UsbTtyDevice Representation of USB TTY devices

Package com.eurotech.framework.usb Description

Provides services and interfaces for finding and managing USB devices within the system.

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