Package com.eurotech.framework.protocol.modbus

Interface Summary
ModbusProtocolDeviceService This class provides methods to recognize the particular protocol implemented by this bundle and to get an instance of that protocol.

Class Summary
Crc16 Used to calculate the CRC-16 (cyclical redundancy check) for an array of bytes.
Modbus The Modbus protocol implements a subset of the Modbus standard command set.
ModbusDataFormation This static class defines the various data types and extended data implementations for Modbus.
ModbusDataMap This class defines a single field mapping for a Modbus protocol implementation.
ModbusDataOrder This static class defines the possible byte organization in the data stream sent and received.
ModbusFunctionCodes supported modbus commands
ModbusProtocolDevice This is the parent class from which all protocol implementations should be extended.
ModbusTransmissionMode This static class is provided only for completeness.
ProtocolPrimitiveDataTypes This class is used to enumerate the Java primitive data types.

Enum Summary
ModbusProtocolErrorCode ProtocolErrorCode holds the enumeration of valid error codes for the exception message.

Exception Summary
ModbusProtocolException The ProtocolException class is the superclass of all errors and exceptions in the ESF Protocol project.

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