Uses of Class

Packages that use NetInterfaceStatus   

Uses of NetInterfaceStatus in

Methods in with parameters of type NetInterfaceStatus
protected static NetInterfaceConfig GenericNetworkInterface.getCurrentConfig(String interfaceName, NetInterfaceType type, NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean dhcpServerEnabled, boolean passDns, Properties esfProps)
static NetInterfaceConfig RedHatNetworkInterface.getCurrentConfiguration(String interfaceName, NetInterfaceType type, NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean dhcpServerEnabled, boolean passDns)
static NetInterfaceConfig DebianNetworkInterface.getCurrentConfiguration(String interfaceName, NetInterfaceType type, NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean dhcpServerEnabled, boolean passDns)

Uses of NetInterfaceStatus in

Methods in that return NetInterfaceStatus
 NetInterfaceStatus NetConfigIP.getStatus()
          Return the NetInterfaceStatus of this configuration
static NetInterfaceStatus NetInterfaceStatus.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static NetInterfaceStatus[] NetInterfaceStatus.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in with parameters of type NetInterfaceStatus
 void NetConfigIP.setStatus(NetInterfaceStatus status)
          Sets the NetInterfaceStatus to be used for the network interface

Constructors in with parameters of type NetInterfaceStatus
NetConfigIP4(NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean autoConnect)
          Constructor for a Configuration for a network interface based on IPv4 addresses.
NetConfigIP4(NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean autoConnect, boolean dhcp)
          Constructor for a DHCP Configration for a network interface nased on IPv4 addresses.
NetConfigIP4(NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean autoConnect, IP4Address address, IP4Address subnetMask, IP4Address gateway)
NetConfigIP4(NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean autoConnect, IP4Address address, short networkPrefixLength, IP4Address gateway)
NetConfigIP6(NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean autoConnect)
          Empty Constructor
NetConfigIP6(NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean autoConnect, boolean dhcp)
          Constructor for a DHCP Client Configuration for a network interface based on IPv6 addresses.
NetConfigIP6(NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean autoConnect, IP6Address address, IP6Address subnetMask, IP6Address gateway)
          Constructor for a Static Configuration for a network interface based on IPv6 addresses.
NetConfigIP6(NetInterfaceStatus status, boolean autoConnect, IP6Address address, short networkPrefixLength, IP6Address gateway)
          Constructor for a Static Configuration for a network interface based on IPv6 addresses.

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