Interface NetInterfaceAddressConfig

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ModemInterfaceAddressConfig, WifiInterfaceAddressConfig
All Known Implementing Classes:
ModemInterfaceAddressConfigImpl, NetInterfaceAddressConfigImpl, WifiInterfaceAddressConfigImpl

public interface NetInterfaceAddressConfig
extends NetInterfaceAddress

Extends a NetInterfaceAddress which is status as currently running on the system with the interface's configuration in the form of a List of NetConfig objects. The configuration and the status may differ based on environmental conditions and this is why configuration is modeled separately. For example, an interface could be configured as a DHCP client. In this case, the configuration would not include an IP address. However, the 'status' in the NetInterfaceAddress would because the interface does have an IP - just not one that is configured because it is dynamically assigned by the DHCP server.


Method Summary
 List<NetConfig> getConfigs()
          Returns a List of NetConfig Objects associated with a given NetInterfaceAddressConfig for a given NetInterface
Methods inherited from interface
getAddress, getBroadcast, getDnsServers, getGateway, getNetmask, getNetworkPrefixLength

Method Detail


List<NetConfig> getConfigs()
Returns a List of NetConfig Objects associated with a given NetInterfaceAddressConfig for a given NetInterface

the NetConfig Objects associated with the NetInterfaceAddressConfig

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