Packages that use CSSException | |
org.w3c.css.sac |
Uses of CSSException in org.w3c.css.sac |
Subclasses of CSSException in org.w3c.css.sac | |
class |
Encapsulate a CSS parse error or warning. |
Methods in org.w3c.css.sac that throw CSSException | |
void |
DocumentHandler.comment(java.lang.String text)
Receive notification of a comment. |
CombinatorCondition |
ConditionFactory.createAndCondition(Condition first,
Condition second)
Creates an and condition |
SimpleSelector |
Creates an any node selector. |
AttributeCondition |
ConditionFactory.createAttributeCondition(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String namespaceURI,
boolean specified,
java.lang.String value)
Creates an attribute condition |
AttributeCondition |
ConditionFactory.createBeginHyphenAttributeCondition(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String namespaceURI,
boolean specified,
java.lang.String value)
Creates a "begin hyphen" attribute condition |
CharacterDataSelector |
SelectorFactory.createCDataSectionSelector(java.lang.String data)
Creates a cdata section node selector. |
DescendantSelector |
SelectorFactory.createChildSelector(Selector parent,
SimpleSelector child)
Creates a child selector. |
AttributeCondition |
ConditionFactory.createClassCondition(java.lang.String namespaceURI,
java.lang.String value)
Creates a class condition |
CharacterDataSelector |
SelectorFactory.createCommentSelector(java.lang.String data)
Creates a comment node selector. |
ConditionalSelector |
SelectorFactory.createConditionalSelector(SimpleSelector selector,
Condition condition)
Creates a conditional selector. |
ContentCondition |
ConditionFactory.createContentCondition(java.lang.String data)
Creates a content condition |
DescendantSelector |
SelectorFactory.createDescendantSelector(Selector parent,
SimpleSelector descendant)
Creates a descendant selector. |
SiblingSelector |
SelectorFactory.createDirectAdjacentSelector(short nodeType,
Selector child,
SimpleSelector directAdjacent)
Creates a sibling selector. |
ElementSelector |
SelectorFactory.createElementSelector(java.lang.String namespaceURI,
java.lang.String tagName)
Creates an element selector. |
AttributeCondition |
ConditionFactory.createIdCondition(java.lang.String value)
Creates an id condition |
LangCondition |
ConditionFactory.createLangCondition(java.lang.String lang)
Creates a lang condition |
NegativeCondition |
ConditionFactory.createNegativeCondition(Condition condition)
Creates a negative condition |
NegativeSelector |
SelectorFactory.createNegativeSelector(SimpleSelector selector)
Creates an negative selector. |
AttributeCondition |
ConditionFactory.createOneOfAttributeCondition(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String namespaceURI,
boolean specified,
java.lang.String value)
Creates a "one of" attribute condition |
Condition |
Creates a "only one" child condition |
Condition |
Creates a "only one" type condition |
CombinatorCondition |
ConditionFactory.createOrCondition(Condition first,
Condition second)
Creates an or condition |
PositionalCondition |
ConditionFactory.createPositionalCondition(int position,
boolean typeNode,
boolean type)
Creates a positional condition |
ProcessingInstructionSelector |
SelectorFactory.createProcessingInstructionSelector(java.lang.String target,
java.lang.String data)
Creates a processing instruction node selector. |
AttributeCondition |
ConditionFactory.createPseudoClassCondition(java.lang.String namespaceURI,
java.lang.String value)
Creates a pseudo class condition |
ElementSelector |
SelectorFactory.createPseudoElementSelector(java.lang.String namespaceURI,
java.lang.String pseudoName)
Creates a pseudo element selector. |
SimpleSelector |
Creates an root node selector. |
CharacterDataSelector |
SelectorFactory.createTextNodeSelector(java.lang.String data)
Creates a text node selector. |
void |
DocumentHandler.endDocument(InputSource source)
Receive notification of the end of a document. |
void |
Receive notification of the end of a font face statement. |
void |
DocumentHandler.endMedia(SACMediaList media)
Receive notification of the end of a media statement. |
void |
DocumentHandler.endPage(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String pseudo_page)
Receive notification of the end of a media statement. |
void |
DocumentHandler.endSelector(SelectorList selectors)
Receive notification of the end of a rule statement. |
void |
ErrorHandler.error(CSSParseException exception)
Receive notification of a recoverable error. |
void |
ErrorHandler.fatalError(CSSParseException exception)
Receive notification of a non-recoverable error. |
void |
DocumentHandler.ignorableAtRule(java.lang.String atRule)
Receive notification of an unknown rule t-rule not supported by this parser. |
void |
DocumentHandler.importStyle(java.lang.String uri,
SACMediaList media,
java.lang.String defaultNamespaceURI)
Receive notification of a import statement in the style sheet. |
void |
DocumentHandler.namespaceDeclaration(java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
Receive notification of an unknown rule t-rule not supported by this parser. |
boolean |
Parser.parsePriority(InputSource source)
Parse a CSS priority value (e.g. |
LexicalUnit |
Parser.parsePropertyValue(InputSource source)
Parse a CSS property value. |
void |
Parser.parseRule(InputSource source)
Parse a CSS rule. |
SelectorList |
Parser.parseSelectors(InputSource source)
Parse a comma separated list of selectors. |
void |
Parser.parseStyleDeclaration(InputSource source)
Parse a CSS style declaration (without '{' and '}'). |
void |
Parser.parseStyleSheet(InputSource source)
Parse a CSS document. |
void |
Parser.parseStyleSheet(java.lang.String uri)
Parse a CSS document from a URI. |
void |
DocumentHandler.property(java.lang.String name,
LexicalUnit value,
boolean important)
Receive notification of a declaration. |
void |
Parser.setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
Allow an application to request a locale for errors and warnings. |
void |
DocumentHandler.startDocument(InputSource source)
Receive notification of the beginning of a style sheet. |
void |
Receive notification of the beginning of a font face statement. |
void |
DocumentHandler.startMedia(SACMediaList media)
Receive notification of the beginning of a media statement. |
void |
DocumentHandler.startPage(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String pseudo_page)
Receive notification of the beginning of a page statement. |
void |
DocumentHandler.startSelector(SelectorList selectors)
Receive notification of the beginning of a rule statement. |
void |
ErrorHandler.warning(CSSParseException exception)
Receive notification of a warning. |