Interface Summary |
AttributePSVI |
Represents a PSVI item for one attribute information item. |
ElementPSVI |
Represents a PSVI item for one element information item. |
ItemPSVI |
Represents an abstract PSVI item for an element or an attribute
information item. |
LSInputList |
The LSInputList interface provides the abstraction of an
ordered collection of LSInput s, without defining or
constraining how this collection is implemented. |
PSVIProvider |
This interface provides access to the post schema validation infoset for an
API that provides a streaming document infoset, such as SAX, XNI, and
others. |
ShortList |
The ShortList is an immutable ordered collection of
unsigned short . |
StringList |
The StringList is an immutable ordered collection of
GenericString . |
XSAnnotation |
This interface represents the Annotation schema component. |
XSAttributeDeclaration |
The interface represents the Attribute Declaration schema component. |
XSAttributeGroupDefinition |
This interface represents the Attribute Group Definition schema component. |
XSAttributeUse |
This interface represents the Attribute Use schema component. |
XSComplexTypeDefinition |
This interface represents the Complex Type Definition schema component. |
XSConstants |
This interface defines constants used by this specification. |
XSElementDeclaration |
The interface represents the Element Declaration schema component. |
XSFacet |
Describes a constraining facet. |
XSIDCDefinition |
This interface represents the Identity-constraint Definition schema
component. |
XSImplementation |
This interface allows one to retrieve an instance of XSLoader . |
XSLoader |
An interface that provides a method to load XML Schema documents. |
XSModel |
This interface represents an XML Schema. |
XSModelGroup |
This interface represents the Model Group schema component. |
XSModelGroupDefinition |
This interface represents the Model Group Definition schema component. |
XSMultiValueFacet |
Describes a multi-value constraining facets: pattern and enumeration. |
XSNamedMap |
Objects implementing the XSNamedMap interface are used to
represent immutable collections of XML Schema components that can be
accessed by name. |
XSNamespaceItem |
The interface represents the namespace schema information information item. |
XSNamespaceItemList |
The XSNamesaceItemList interface provides the abstraction of
an immutable ordered collection of XSNamespaceItem s, without
defining or constraining how this collection is implemented. |
XSNotationDeclaration |
This interface represents the Notation Declaration schema component. |
XSObject |
The XSObject is a base object for the XML Schema component
model. |
XSObjectList |
The XSObjectList interface provides the abstraction of an
immutable ordered collection of XSObject s, without defining
or constraining how this collection is implemented. |
XSParticle |
This interface represents the Particle schema component. |
XSSimpleTypeDefinition |
This interface represents the Simple Type Definition schema component. |
XSTerm |
Describes a term that can be one of a model group, a wildcard, or an
element declaration. |
XSTypeDefinition |
This interface represents a complex or simple type definition. |
XSWildcard |
This interface represents the Wildcard schema component. |