Uses of Class

Packages that use XMLInputSource

Uses of XMLInputSource in org.apache.xerces.dom

Methods in org.apache.xerces.dom with parameters of type XMLInputSource
 void DOMConfigurationImpl.parse(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Parse an XML document.

Uses of XMLInputSource in org.apache.xerces.impl

Methods in org.apache.xerces.impl that return XMLInputSource
 XMLInputSource ExternalSubsetResolver.getExternalSubset(XMLDTDDescription grammarDescription)
          Locates an external subset for documents which do not explicitly provide one.
 XMLInputSource XMLEntityManager.resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier)
          Resolves the specified public and system identifiers.

Methods in org.apache.xerces.impl with parameters of type XMLInputSource
 short XMLVersionDetector.determineDocVersion(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          This methods scans the XML declaration to find out the version (and provisional encoding) of the document.
 void XMLDTDScannerImpl.setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Sets the input source.
 void XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Sets the input source.
 void XMLDocumentScannerImpl.setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Sets the input source.
 java.lang.String XMLEntityManager.setupCurrentEntity(java.lang.String name, XMLInputSource xmlInputSource, boolean literal, boolean isExternal)
          This method uses the passed-in XMLInputSource to make fCurrentEntity usable for reading.
 void XMLEntityManager.startDocumentEntity(XMLInputSource xmlInputSource)
          Starts the document entity.
 void XMLEntityManager.startDTDEntity(XMLInputSource xmlInputSource)
          Starts the DTD entity.
 void XMLEntityManager.startEntity(java.lang.String name, XMLInputSource xmlInputSource, boolean literal, boolean isExternal)
          Starts an entity.

Uses of XMLInputSource in org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd

Methods in org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd with parameters of type XMLInputSource
 Grammar XMLDTDLoader.loadGrammar(XMLInputSource source)
          Returns a Grammar object by parsing the contents of the entity pointed to by source.

Constructors in org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd with parameters of type XMLInputSource
XMLDTDDescription(XMLInputSource source)

Uses of XMLInputSource in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs

Methods in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs that return XMLInputSource
static XMLInputSource XMLSchemaLoader.resolveDocument(XSDDescription desc, java.util.Hashtable locationPairs, XMLEntityResolver entityResolver)
          This method tries to resolve location of the given schema.

Methods in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs with parameters of type XMLInputSource
 Grammar XMLSchemaLoader.loadGrammar(XMLInputSource source)
          Returns a Grammar object by parsing the contents of the entity pointed to by source.
 void XMLSchemaLoader.loadGrammar(XMLInputSource[] source)
          Returns a Grammar object by parsing the contents of the entities pointed to by sources.

Uses of XMLInputSource in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.opti

Methods in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.opti with parameters of type XMLInputSource
 void SchemaParsingConfig.parse(XMLInputSource source)
          Parses the specified input source.
 void SchemaDOMParser.parse(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Delegates parsing to SchemaParsingConfig
 void SchemaParsingConfig.setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Sets the input source for the document to parse.

Uses of XMLInputSource in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.traversers

Methods in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.traversers with parameters of type XMLInputSource
 SchemaGrammar XSDHandler.parseSchema(XMLInputSource is, XSDDescription desc, java.util.Hashtable locationPairs)
          This method initiates the parse of a schema.

Uses of XMLInputSource in org.apache.xerces.parsers

Methods in org.apache.xerces.parsers with parameters of type XMLInputSource
 void XML11DTDConfiguration.parse(XMLInputSource source)
          Parses the specified input source.
 void XML11NonValidatingConfiguration.parse(XMLInputSource source)
          Parses the specified input source.
abstract  void BasicParserConfiguration.parse(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Parse an XML document.
 void XML11Configuration.parse(XMLInputSource source)
          Parses the specified input source.
 void DTDConfiguration.parse(XMLInputSource source)
          Parses the specified input source.
 void NonValidatingConfiguration.parse(XMLInputSource source)
          Parses the specified input source.
 void XMLParser.parse(XMLInputSource inputSource)
 Grammar XMLGrammarCachingConfiguration.parseGrammar(java.lang.String type, XMLInputSource is)
          Parse a grammar from a location identified by an XMLInputSource.
 Grammar XMLGrammarPreparser.preparseGrammar(java.lang.String type, XMLInputSource is)
          Parse a grammar from a location identified by an XMLInputSource.
 void XML11DTDConfiguration.setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Sets the input source for the document to parse.
 void XML11NonValidatingConfiguration.setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Sets the input source for the document to parse.
 void XML11Configuration.setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Sets the input source for the document to parse.
 void DTDConfiguration.setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Sets the input source for the document to parse.
 void NonValidatingConfiguration.setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Sets the input source for the document to parse.

Uses of XMLInputSource in org.apache.xerces.util

Subclasses of XMLInputSource in org.apache.xerces.util
 class DOMInputSource
          An XMLInputSource analogue to javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource.
 class HTTPInputSource
          This class represents an input source for an XML resource retrievable over HTTP.
 class SAXInputSource
          An XMLInputSource analogue to javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource.

Methods in org.apache.xerces.util that return XMLInputSource
 XMLInputSource EntityResolver2Wrapper.getExternalSubset(XMLDTDDescription grammarDescription)
          Locates an external subset for documents which do not explicitly provide one.
 XMLInputSource EntityResolver2Wrapper.resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier)
          Resolves an external parsed entity.
 XMLInputSource DOMEntityResolverWrapper.resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier)
          Resolves an external parsed entity.
 XMLInputSource XMLCatalogResolver.resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier)
          Resolves an external entity.
 XMLInputSource EntityResolverWrapper.resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier)
          Resolves an external parsed entity.

Uses of XMLInputSource in org.apache.xerces.xinclude

Methods in org.apache.xerces.xinclude with parameters of type XMLInputSource
 void XIncludeTextReader.setInputSource(XMLInputSource source)
          Sets the input source on this text reader.

Constructors in org.apache.xerces.xinclude with parameters of type XMLInputSource
XInclude11TextReader(XMLInputSource source, XIncludeHandler handler, int bufferSize)
          Construct the XIncludeReader using the XMLInputSource and XIncludeHandler.
XIncludeTextReader(XMLInputSource source, XIncludeHandler handler, int bufferSize)
          Construct the XIncludeReader using the XMLInputSource and XIncludeHandler.

Uses of XMLInputSource in org.apache.xerces.xni.grammars

Methods in org.apache.xerces.xni.grammars with parameters of type XMLInputSource
 Grammar XMLGrammarLoader.loadGrammar(XMLInputSource source)
          Returns a Grammar object by parsing the contents of the entity pointed to by source.

Uses of XMLInputSource in org.apache.xerces.xni.parser

Methods in org.apache.xerces.xni.parser that return XMLInputSource
 XMLInputSource XMLEntityResolver.resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier)
          Resolves an external parsed entity.

Methods in org.apache.xerces.xni.parser with parameters of type XMLInputSource
 void XMLParserConfiguration.parse(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Parse an XML document.
 void XMLDTDScanner.setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Sets the input source.
 void XMLPullParserConfiguration.setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Sets the input source for the document to parse.
 void XMLDocumentScanner.setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource)
          Sets the input source.