Package org.apache.xerces.xni

Interface Summary
Augmentations The Augmentations interface defines a table of additional data that may be passed along the document pipeline.
NamespaceContext Represents an interface to query namespace information.
XMLAttributes The XMLAttributes interface defines a collection of attributes for an element.
XMLDocumentFragmentHandler This handler interface contains methods necessary to receive information about document elements and content.
XMLDocumentHandler The document handler interface defines callback methods to report information items in XML documents.
XMLDTDContentModelHandler The DTD content model handler interface defines callback methods to report information items in DTD content models of an element declaration.
XMLDTDHandler The DTD handler interface defines callback methods to report information items in the DTD of an XML document.
XMLLocator Location information.
XMLResourceIdentifier This represents the basic physical description of the location of any XML resource (a Schema grammar, a DTD, a general entity etc.)

Class Summary
QName A structure that holds the components of an XML Namespaces qualified name.
XMLString This class is used as a structure to pass text contained in the underlying character buffer of the scanner.

Exception Summary
XNIException This exception is the base exception of all XNI exceptions.