Uses of Class

Packages that use SchemaGrammar

Uses of SchemaGrammar in org.apache.xerces.dom

Methods in org.apache.xerces.dom that return SchemaGrammar
 SchemaGrammar ASModelImpl.getGrammar()

Methods in org.apache.xerces.dom with parameters of type SchemaGrammar
 void ASModelImpl.setGrammar(SchemaGrammar grammar)

Uses of SchemaGrammar in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs

Subclasses of SchemaGrammar in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs
static class SchemaGrammar.BuiltinSchemaGrammar
static class SchemaGrammar.Schema4Annotations
          A partial schema for schemas for validating annotations.

Methods in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs that return SchemaGrammar
 SchemaGrammar XSGrammarBucket.getGrammar(java.lang.String namespace)
          Get the schema grammar for the specified namespace
 SchemaGrammar[] XSGrammarBucket.getGrammars()
          get all grammars in the registry

Methods in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs with parameters of type SchemaGrammar
 void XSGrammarBucket.putGrammar(SchemaGrammar grammar)
          Put a schema grammar into the registry This method is for internal use only: it assumes that a grammar with the same target namespace is not already in the bucket.
 boolean XSGrammarBucket.putGrammar(SchemaGrammar grammar, boolean deep)
          put a schema grammar and any grammars imported by it (directly or inderectly) into the registry.

Constructors in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs with parameters of type SchemaGrammar
XSAnnotationImpl(java.lang.String contents, SchemaGrammar grammar)
XSModelImpl(SchemaGrammar[] grammars)
          Construct an XSModelImpl, by storing some grammars and grammars imported by them to this object.

Uses of SchemaGrammar in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.traversers

Methods in org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.traversers that return SchemaGrammar
 SchemaGrammar XSDHandler.parseSchema(XMLInputSource is, XSDDescription desc, java.util.Hashtable locationPairs)
          This method initiates the parse of a schema.