Uses of Class

Packages that use Duration
javax.xml.datatype XML/Java Type Mappings. 
org.apache.xerces.xs.datatypes This package provides interfaces for accessing actual value information through PSVI for XML Schema 1.0 data types. 

Uses of Duration in javax.xml.datatype

Methods in javax.xml.datatype that return Duration
abstract  Duration Duration.add(Duration rhs)
          Computes a new duration whose value is this+rhs.
abstract  Duration Duration.multiply(java.math.BigDecimal factor)
          Computes a new duration whose value is factor times longer than the value of this duration.
 Duration Duration.multiply(int factor)
          Computes a new duration whose value is factor times longer than the value of this duration.
abstract  Duration Duration.negate()
          Returns a new Duration object whose value is -this.
abstract  Duration DatatypeFactory.newDuration(boolean isPositive, java.math.BigInteger years, java.math.BigInteger months, java.math.BigInteger days, java.math.BigInteger hours, java.math.BigInteger minutes, java.math.BigDecimal seconds)
          Obtain a new instance of a Duration specifying the Duration as isPositive, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds.
 Duration DatatypeFactory.newDuration(boolean isPositive, int years, int months, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
          Obtain a new instance of a Duration specifying the Duration as isPositive, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds.
abstract  Duration DatatypeFactory.newDuration(long durationInMilliSeconds)
          Obtain a new instance of a Duration specifying the Duration as milliseconds.
abstract  Duration DatatypeFactory.newDuration(java.lang.String lexicalRepresentation)
          Obtain a new instance of a Duration specifying the Duration as its string representation, "PnYnMnDTnHnMnS", as defined in XML Schema 1.0 section
 Duration DatatypeFactory.newDurationDayTime(boolean isPositive, java.math.BigInteger day, java.math.BigInteger hour, java.math.BigInteger minute, java.math.BigInteger second)
          Create a Duration of type xdt:dayTimeDuration using the specified day, hour, minute and second as defined in XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model, xdt:dayTimeDuration.
 Duration DatatypeFactory.newDurationDayTime(boolean isPositive, int day, int hour, int minute, int second)
          Create a Duration of type xdt:dayTimeDuration using the specified day, hour, minute and second as defined in XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model, xdt:dayTimeDuration.
 Duration DatatypeFactory.newDurationDayTime(long durationInMilliseconds)
          Create a Duration of type xdt:dayTimeDuration using the specified milliseconds as defined in XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model, xdt:dayTimeDuration.
 Duration DatatypeFactory.newDurationDayTime(java.lang.String lexicalRepresentation)
          Create a Duration of type xdt:dayTimeDuration by parsing its String representation, "PnDTnHnMnS", XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model, xdt:dayTimeDuration.
 Duration DatatypeFactory.newDurationYearMonth(boolean isPositive, java.math.BigInteger year, java.math.BigInteger month)
          Create a Duration of type xdt:yearMonthDuration using the specified year and month as defined in XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model, xdt:yearMonthDuration.
 Duration DatatypeFactory.newDurationYearMonth(boolean isPositive, int year, int month)
          Create a Duration of type xdt:yearMonthDuration using the specified year and month as defined in XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model, xdt:yearMonthDuration.
 Duration DatatypeFactory.newDurationYearMonth(long durationInMilliseconds)
          Create a Duration of type xdt:yearMonthDuration using the specified milliseconds as defined in XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model, xdt:yearMonthDuration.
 Duration DatatypeFactory.newDurationYearMonth(java.lang.String lexicalRepresentation)
          Create a Duration of type xdt:yearMonthDuration by parsing its String representation, "PnYnM", XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model, xdt:yearMonthDuration.
abstract  Duration Duration.normalizeWith(java.util.Calendar startTimeInstant)
          Converts the years and months fields into the days field by using a specific time instant as the reference point.
 Duration Duration.subtract(Duration rhs)
          Computes a new duration whose value is this-rhs.

Methods in javax.xml.datatype with parameters of type Duration
abstract  void XMLGregorianCalendar.add(Duration duration)
          Add duration to this instance.
abstract  Duration Duration.add(Duration rhs)
          Computes a new duration whose value is this+rhs.
abstract  int duration)
          Partial order relation comparison with this Duration instance.
 boolean Duration.isLongerThan(Duration duration)
          Checks if this duration object is strictly longer than another Duration object.
 boolean Duration.isShorterThan(Duration duration)
          Checks if this duration object is strictly shorter than another Duration object.
 Duration Duration.subtract(Duration rhs)
          Computes a new duration whose value is this-rhs.

Uses of Duration in org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype

Methods in org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype that return Duration
 Duration DatatypeFactoryImpl.newDuration(boolean isPositive, java.math.BigInteger years, java.math.BigInteger months, java.math.BigInteger days, java.math.BigInteger hours, java.math.BigInteger minutes, java.math.BigDecimal seconds)
          Obtain a new instance of a Duration specifying the Duration as isPositive, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds.
 Duration DatatypeFactoryImpl.newDuration(long durationInMilliseconds)
          Obtain a new instance of a Duration specifying the Duration as milliseconds.
 Duration DatatypeFactoryImpl.newDuration(java.lang.String lexicalRepresentation)
          Obtain a new instance of a Duration specifying the Duration as its string representation, "PnYnMnDTnHnMnS", as defined in XML Schema 1.0 section

Uses of Duration in org.apache.xerces.xs.datatypes

Methods in org.apache.xerces.xs.datatypes that return Duration
 Duration XSDateTime.getDuration()