Package com.esf.protocol.fielddevice.service

Defines an interface for a device that uses a communication protocol to acquire operational data, including methods for handling data of various data types, connection status, protocol exceptions, etc.


Interface Summary
IProtocolDeviceService This class provides methods to recognize the particular protocol implemented by this bundle and to get an instance of that protocol.

Class Summary
ProtocolConnectionStatus This static class provides the possible responses for the connection status.
ProtocolConnectionType This static class defines the various protocol connection types.
ProtocolDevice This is the parent class from which all protocol implementations should be extended.
ProtocolPrimitiveDataTypes This class is used to enumerate the Java primitive data types.

Exception Summary
ProtocolConfigurationInvalidException critical values are missing from the configuration
ProtocolDataAddressInvalidException at least one of the requested addresses is not mapped in the current configuration.
ProtocolDataTypeInvalidException the read or write command used is not the correct data type command for at least one of the addresses being accessed
ProtocolMethodNotSupportedException this protocol does not functionally implement this method
ProtocolNotAvailableException the implementation for the selected protocol is not available
ProtocolNotConnectedException attempted to access the field device without first completing a connection to the device
ProtocolTransactionFailureException unspecified troubles communicating with the field device.

Package com.esf.protocol.fielddevice.service Description

Defines an interface for a device that uses a communication protocol to acquire operational data, including methods for handling data of various data types, connection status, protocol exceptions, etc.