public interface ITermServService
The ITermServService is used to give from one to eight network clients access to one or more serial ports or a single parallel printer port. If more than two or more client are simultaneously accessing a serial port then the TermServ should be in half duplex so that resource protection can be used on the serial port.
Field Summary | |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
Reports the class name representing this interface. |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
Method Summary | |
void |
changeTermServBufferSize(int TermServId,
int BufferSize)
This method modifies the BufferSize of a previously created TermServ. |
void |
changeTermServDefragTimerMsec(int TermServId,
int DefragTimerMsec)
This method is used to modify the Defragmentation timer of a previously created TermServ. |
void |
changeTermServDemarkationMsec(int TermServId,
int DemarkationMsec)
This method is used to modify the Demarkation timer of a previously created TermServ. |
void |
changeTermServIdleTimerSeconds(int TermServId,
int IdleTimerSeconds)
This method is used to modify the ResponseTimeout timer for a previously created TermServ. |
void |
changeTermServListeningPort(int TermServId,
int ListeningPort)
This method modifies the network listening port number for a previously created TermServ. |
void |
changeTermServMaxAcceptedSockets(int TermServId,
int MaxAcceptedSockets)
This method modifies the Maximum number of active connections on the ListeningPort can be serviced simultaneously. |
void |
changeTermServOpenModbusMode(int TermServId,
java.lang.String OpenModbusMode)
This method is used to modify the OpenModbus operation of a previously created TermServ. |
void |
changeTermServOperation(int TermServId,
java.lang.String sOperation)
This method is used to modify the operation mode of a previously created TermServ. |
void |
changeTermServParallelPortDeviceDriver(int TermservId,
java.lang.String DeviceDriver)
This method can change the DeviceDriver used to communicate with a previously created TermServParallelPort. |
void |
changeTermServParallelPortEndDeviceIndex(int TermservId,
int EndDeviceIndex)
This method can change the EndDeviceIndex used to communicate with a previously created TermServParallelPort. |
void |
changeTermServPassword(int TermServId,
java.lang.String Password)
This method modifies the Password for a previously created TermServ. |
void |
changeTermServPrintServer(int TermServId,
boolean PrintServer)
This method is used to modify the PrintServer mode of a previously created TermServ. |
void |
changeTermServResponseTimeoutMsec(int TermServId,
int ResponseTimeoutMsec)
This method is used to modify the ResponseTimeout timer of a previously created TermServ. |
void |
changeTermServSerialPortBaudRate(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex,
int BaudRate)
This method changes the BaudRate for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
void |
changeTermServSerialPortCancelEchoChars(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex,
boolean CancelEchoChars)
This method modifies the CancelEchoChars for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
void |
changeTermServSerialPortDataBits(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex,
java.lang.String DataBits)
This method modifies the DataBits for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
void |
changeTermServSerialPortDeviceDriver(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex,
java.lang.String DeviceDriver)
This method changes the DeviceDriver for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
void |
changeTermServSerialPortEndDeviceIndex(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex,
int EndDeviceIndex)
This method changes the DeviceDriver for a previously created TermServSerialPort |
void |
changeTermServSerialPortParity(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex,
java.lang.String Parity)
This method changes the Parity for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
void |
changeTermServSerialPortStopBits(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex,
java.lang.String StopBits)
This method modifies the StopBits for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
void |
changeTermServSerialPortWarmDownMsec(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex,
int WarmDownMsec)
This method changes the WarmDownMsec timer for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
void |
changeTermServSerialPortWarmUpMsec(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex,
int WarmUpMsec)
This method changes the WarmUpMsec timer for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
int |
createTermServ(int iListeningPort,
int iMaxAcceptedSockets,
java.lang.String sOperation,
boolean fPrintServer,
java.lang.String OpenModbusMode,
int iDemarkationMsec,
int iResponseTimeoutMsec,
int iIdleTimerSeconds,
int iDefragTimerMsec,
int iBufferSize,
java.lang.String sPassword)
Configure operating parameters for Terminal Server minus the end device(s) parameters which use another method |
void |
createTermServParallelPort(int iTermServId,
java.lang.String sDeviceDriver,
int iEndDeviceIndex)
This method adds a parallel port to the Terminal Server. |
int |
createTermServSerialPort(int iTermServId,
java.lang.String sDeviceDriver,
int iEndDeviceIndex,
int iBaudRate,
java.lang.String sParity,
java.lang.String sStopBits,
java.lang.String sDataBits,
int iWarmUpMSec,
int iWarmDownMSec,
boolean fCancelEchoChars)
This method adds a serial port to the Terminal Server. |
void |
deleteTermServEndDevice(int iTermServId,
java.lang.String deviceDriver,
int iEndDeviceIndex)
This method will eliminate one of the attached end devices that was created for the selected (iTermServId) Terminal Servers. |
int |
getTermServBufferSize(int TermServId)
This method returns the BufferSize of a previously created TermServ. |
int |
Get the current count of configured Terminal Servers |
int |
getTermServDefragTimerMsec(int TermServId)
This method returns the Defragmentation timer of a previously created TermServ in seconds. |
int |
getTermServDemarkationMsec(int TermServId)
This method returns the Demarkation timer of a previously created TermServ in milliseconds. |
int |
getTermServEndDeviceCount(int iTermServId)
This method will return the count of end devices added to a select Terminal Server (without guessing) |
java.lang.String[] |
getTermServEndDeviceNames(int iTermServId)
This function returns an array of Strings. |
int |
getTermServIdleTimerSeconds(int TermServId)
This method returns the ResponseTimeout timer for a previously created TermServ in milliseconds. |
int |
getTermServListeningPort(int TermServId)
This method returns the network listening port number for a previously created TermServ. |
int |
getTermServMaxAcceptedSockets(int TermServId)
This method returns the Maximum number of active connections on the ListeningPort can be serviced simultaneously. |
java.lang.String |
getTermServOpenModbusMode(int TermServId)
This method returns the OpenModbus operation of a previously created TermServ. |
java.lang.String |
getTermServOperation(int TermServId)
This method is returns the operation mode of a previously created TermServ. |
java.lang.String |
getTermServParallelPortDeviceDriver(int TermservId)
This method returns DeviceDriver string used to communicate with a previously created TermServParallelPort. |
int |
getTermServParallelPortEndDeviceIndex(int TermservId)
This method returns the EndDeviceIndex used to communicate with a previously created TermServParallelPort. |
java.lang.String |
getTermServPassword(int TermServId)
This method returns the Password for a previously created TermServ. |
boolean |
getTermServPrintServer(int TermServId)
This method is used to return the PrintServer mode of a previously created TermServ. |
int |
getTermServResponseTimeoutMsec(int TermServId)
This method returns the ResponseTimeout timer of a previously created TermServ in milliseconds. |
int |
getTermServSerialPortBaudRate(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex)
This method returns the BaudRate for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
boolean |
getTermServSerialPortCancelEchoChars(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex)
This method returns the CancelEchoChars flag for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
java.lang.String |
getTermServSerialPortDataBits(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex)
This method returns the DataBits string for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
java.lang.String |
getTermServSerialPortDeviceDriver(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex)
This method returns the DeviceDriver string for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
int |
getTermServSerialPortEndDeviceIndex(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex)
This method returns the EndDeviceIndex for a previously created TermServSerialPort |
java.lang.String |
getTermServSerialPortParity(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex)
This method returns the Parity string for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
java.lang.String |
getTermServSerialPortStopBits(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex)
This method returns the StopBits string for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
int |
getTermServSerialPortWarmDownMsec(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex)
This method returns the WarmDownMsec timer limit for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
int |
getTermServSerialPortWarmUpMsec(int TermServId,
int SerialIndex)
This method returns the WarmUpMsec timer limit for a previously created TermServSerialPort. |
void |
startTermServInstance(int iTermServId)
This method will attempt to start a new instance of Terminal Server using the appropriate configuration parameters. |
void |
stopTermServInstance(int iTermServId)
This method will attempt to stop a previously running instance of Terminal Server. |
Field Detail |
static final java.lang.String SERVICE_NAME
static final java.lang.String FULL_DUPLEX
static final java.lang.String HALF_DUPLEX
static final java.lang.String BROADCAST
static final java.lang.String OPENMODBUS_TO_RTU
static final java.lang.String OPENMODBUS_TO_ASCII
static final java.lang.String NO_MODBUS
static final java.lang.String SERIAL_LINUX_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String PARALLEL_LP_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String PARALLEL_USB_LP_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String SERIAL_VIRTUALPAIR_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String SERIAL_USB_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String SERIAL_ACM_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String PARITY_NONE
static final java.lang.String PARITY_EVEN
static final java.lang.String PARITY_ODD
static final java.lang.String PARITY_MARK
static final java.lang.String PARITY_SPACE
static final java.lang.String STOPBITS_1
static final java.lang.String STOPBITS_2
static final java.lang.String DATATBITS_5
static final java.lang.String DATATBITS_6
static final java.lang.String DATATBITS_7
static final java.lang.String DATATBITS_8
Method Detail |
int getTermServCount()
int createTermServ(int iListeningPort, int iMaxAcceptedSockets, java.lang.String sOperation, boolean fPrintServer, java.lang.String OpenModbusMode, int iDemarkationMsec, int iResponseTimeoutMsec, int iIdleTimerSeconds, int iDefragTimerMsec, int iBufferSize, java.lang.String sPassword) throws java.lang.Exception
- TCP/IP Port that TermServ will listen on. OpenModbus uses port 512. User ports > 1024. This is also used as a unique key so if you access this method with same port then
same object will get reused.iMaxAcceptedSockets
- Number of active Terminal Servers allowed on the same TCP port from 1 to 8. If set to 1 then the port will be pre-emptive.sOperation
- Use the service.FULL_DUPLEX for normal Terminal server operation. This mode should only be used in pre-emptive mode. service.HALF_DUPLEX will allow multiple Clients to access
the same end device(s) using resource protection. service.BROADCAST will send data to end device and will never receive anything from end device(s).fPrintServer
- If 'true' then attempt to guarantee that all bytes are sent to end device(s) even if pending bytes are in buffer and the socket closes.OpenModbusMode
- Use service.OPENMODBUS_TO_RTU for conversion from OpenModbus-TCP packet to RTU Modbus at the end device(s). Use service.OPENMODBUS_TO_ASCII for conversion from
OpenModbus-TCP to ASCII Modbus at the end device(s). Otherwise use "" or service.NO_MODBUSiDemarkationMsec
- This is used to determine when to stop building a payload of end device bytes and forward any previously received bytes to the TCP client in milliseconds.iResponseTimeoutMsec
- This configures the Terminal Server running in HALF_DUPLEX mode how long to wait for the first byte before releasing the end devices resource(s) upon receiving no
- The Terminal Server will close the connection to the Client if no traffic is detecting after this period of seconds. Use a value of zero to instruct the Terminal Server
to ignore any inactivity.iDefragTimerMsec
- This is used help the Terminal Server reconstruct any fragmented message from the Client so that it can be reassembled into a single packet before sending it to the end
- This is the maximum number of bytes that are to received from either the Client or the end device. If the buffer gets full then it is immediately returned to the other side
of the Terminal Server.sPassword
- If this parameter is empty ("") then a password will not be required before the Terminal Server will allow access to the end device(s). The maximum string length is 16
characters. The client has 60 seconds to correctly enter the password.
void changeTermServListeningPort(int TermServId, int ListeningPort) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'ListeningPort
- This is the new network port number to be used for that selected TermServ.
void changeTermServMaxAcceptedSockets(int TermServId, int MaxAcceptedSockets) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'MaxAcceptedSockets
- This is new Maximum number of simultaneous connections on a listening socket.
void changeTermServOperation(int TermServId, java.lang.String sOperation) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'sOperation
- Use the service.FULL_DUPLEX for normal Terminal server operation. This mode should only be used in pre-emptive mode. service.HALF_DUPLEX will allow multiple Clients to access
the same end device(s) using resource protection. service.BROADCAST will send data to end device and will never receive anything from end device(s).
void changeTermServPrintServer(int TermServId, boolean PrintServer) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'PrintServer
- If 'true' then attempt to guarantee that all bytes are sent to end device(s) even if pending bytes are in buffer and the socket closes.
void changeTermServOpenModbusMode(int TermServId, java.lang.String OpenModbusMode) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'OpenModbusMode
- Use service.OPENMODBUS_TO_RTU for conversion from OpenModbus-TCP packet to RTU Modbus at the end device(s). Use service.OPENMODBUS_TO_ASCII for conversion from
OpenModbus-TCP to ASCII Modbus at the end device(s). Otherwise use "" or service.NO_MODBUS
void changeTermServDemarkationMsec(int TermServId, int DemarkationMsec) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'DemarkationMsec
- This is used to determine when to stop building a payload of end device bytes and forward any previously received bytes to the TCP client in milliseconds.
void changeTermServResponseTimeoutMsec(int TermServId, int ResponseTimeoutMsec) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'ResponseTimeoutMsec
- This configures the Terminal Server running in HALF_DUPLEX mode how long to wait for the first byte before releasing the end devices resource(s) upon receiving no
void changeTermServIdleTimerSeconds(int TermServId, int IdleTimerSeconds) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'IdleTimerSeconds
- The Terminal Server will close the connection to the Client if no traffic is detecting after this period of seconds. Use a value of zero to instruct the Terminal Server
to ignore any inactivity.
void changeTermServDefragTimerMsec(int TermServId, int DefragTimerMsec) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'DefragTimerMsec
- This is used help the Terminal Server reconstruct any fragmented message from the Client so that it can be reassembled into a single packet before sending it to the end
void changeTermServBufferSize(int TermServId, int BufferSize) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'BufferSize
- This is the maximum number of bytes that are to be received from either the Client or the end device. If the buffer gets full then it is immediately returned to the other side
of the Terminal Server.
void changeTermServPassword(int TermServId, java.lang.String Password) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'Password
- If this parameter is empty ("") then a password will not be required before the Terminal Server will allow access to the end device(s). The maximum string length is 16
characters. The client has 60 seconds to correctly enter the password.
int getTermServListeningPort(int TermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'
int getTermServMaxAcceptedSockets(int TermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'
java.lang.String getTermServOperation(int TermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'
boolean getTermServPrintServer(int TermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'
java.lang.String getTermServOpenModbusMode(int TermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'
int getTermServDemarkationMsec(int TermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'
int getTermServResponseTimeoutMsec(int TermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'
int getTermServIdleTimerSeconds(int TermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'
int getTermServDefragTimerMsec(int TermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'
int getTermServBufferSize(int TermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'
java.lang.String getTermServPassword(int TermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'
int createTermServSerialPort(int iTermServId, java.lang.String sDeviceDriver, int iEndDeviceIndex, int iBaudRate, java.lang.String sParity, java.lang.String sStopBits, java.lang.String sDataBits, int iWarmUpMSec, int iWarmDownMSec, boolean fCancelEchoChars) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be on of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'sDeviceDriver
- This is the device driver used for the end device. Use service.SERIAL_LINUX_DRIVER if you want to use the native Linux serial port (e.g. /dev/ttyS[0-12]). Use
service.SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER if you want to use the EuroTech custom serial driver (e.g. /dev/acscomm[0-36]) Use service.SERIAL_USB_DRIVER if you want to use the native Linux driver
usb serial ports (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB[0-8]).iEndDeviceIndex
- This is the index that is appended to the root device name such as /dev/ttyS? /dev/acscomm? or in the case of virtual serial ports add 64 to /dev/acscomm and the pairs
would be [0,1], [2,3], [4,5] etc...iBaudRate
- This is the baud rate to be used on the serial device. Valid entries are... 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200.sParity
- This is the parity to be used on the serial port. Valid entries could be... service.PARITY_NONE, service.PARITY_EVEN, service.PARITY_ODD, service.PARITY_MARK,
service.PARITY_SPACE, and that's all folks.sStopBits
- This is the number of stop bits to be used on the serial device and can only be... service.STOPBITS_1 or service.STOPBITS_2.sDataBits
- This is the number of data bits in a character for the end devices. Valid entries... service.DATABITS_5 or service.DATABITS_6 or service.DATABITS_7 or service.DATABITS_8iWarmUpMSec
- This is the number of milliseconds used after raising RTS before sending a payload to the serial port.. If set to 0 then nothing is sent until CTS is true. If it is set to -1
then no handshaking is used on the serial port. Only available when using the SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER.iWarmDownMSec
- This is the number of milliseconds to delay lowering RTS after the last byte leaves the serial port. Only available with the SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER.fCancelEchoChars
- This will configure the serial port to not accept any bytes while it is transmitting. Only available with SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER.
void changeTermServSerialPortDeviceDriver(int TermServId, int SerialIndex, java.lang.String DeviceDriver) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.DeviceDriver
- This is the device driver used for the end device. Use service.SERIAL_LINUX_DRIVER if you want to use the native Linux serial port (e.g. /dev/ttyS[0-12]). Use
service.SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER if you want to use the EuroTech custom serial driver (e.g. /dev/acscomm[0-36]) Use service.SERIAL_USB_DRIVER if you want to use the native Linux driver
usb serial ports (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB[0-8]).
void changeTermServSerialPortEndDeviceIndex(int TermServId, int SerialIndex, int EndDeviceIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.EndDeviceIndex
- This is the index that is appended to the root device name such as /dev/ttyS? /dev/acscomm? or in the case of virtual serial ports add 64 to /dev/acscomm and the pairs
would be [0,1], [2,3], [4,5] etc...
void changeTermServSerialPortBaudRate(int TermServId, int SerialIndex, int BaudRate) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.BaudRate
- This is the baud rate to be used on the serial device. Valid entries are... 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200.
void changeTermServSerialPortParity(int TermServId, int SerialIndex, java.lang.String Parity) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.Parity
- This is the parity to be used on the serial port. Valid entries could be... service.PARITY_NONE, service.PARITY_EVEN, service.PARITY_ODD, service.PARITY_MARK,
service.PARITY_SPACE, and that's all folks.
void changeTermServSerialPortStopBits(int TermServId, int SerialIndex, java.lang.String StopBits) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.StopBits
- This is the number of stop bits to be used on the serial device and can only be... service.STOPBITS_1 or service.STOPBITS_2.
void changeTermServSerialPortDataBits(int TermServId, int SerialIndex, java.lang.String DataBits) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.DataBits
- This is the number of data bits in a character for the end devices. Valid entries... service.DATABITS_5 or service.DATABITS_6 or service.DATABITS_7 or service.DATABITS_8
void changeTermServSerialPortWarmUpMsec(int TermServId, int SerialIndex, int WarmUpMsec) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.WarmUpMsec
- This is the number of milliseconds used after raising RTS before sending a payload to the serial port.. If set to 0 then nothing is sent until CTS is true. If it is set to -1
then no handshaking is used on the serial port. Only available when using the SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER.
void changeTermServSerialPortWarmDownMsec(int TermServId, int SerialIndex, int WarmDownMsec) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.WarmDownMsec
- This is the number of milliseconds to delay lowering RTS after the last byte leaves the serial port. Only available with hte SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER.
void changeTermServSerialPortCancelEchoChars(int TermServId, int SerialIndex, boolean CancelEchoChars) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.CancelEchoChars
- This will configure the serial port to not accept any bytes while it is transmitting. Only available with SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER.
java.lang.String getTermServSerialPortDeviceDriver(int TermServId, int SerialIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.
int getTermServSerialPortEndDeviceIndex(int TermServId, int SerialIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.
int getTermServSerialPortBaudRate(int TermServId, int SerialIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.
java.lang.String getTermServSerialPortParity(int TermServId, int SerialIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.
java.lang.String getTermServSerialPortStopBits(int TermServId, int SerialIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.
java.lang.String getTermServSerialPortDataBits(int TermServId, int SerialIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.
int getTermServSerialPortWarmUpMsec(int TermServId, int SerialIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.
int getTermServSerialPortWarmDownMsec(int TermServId, int SerialIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.
boolean getTermServSerialPortCancelEchoChars(int TermServId, int SerialIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'SerialIndex
- The record number index returned by createTermServSerialPort() for a selected SerialPort.
void createTermServParallelPort(int iTermServId, java.lang.String sDeviceDriver, int iEndDeviceIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'sDeviceDriver
- This is the device driver used for the end device. Use service.PARALLEL_LP_DRIVER is you want to use the native Linux parallel port driver (e.g. /dev/lp[0-3]). Use the
service.PARALLEL_USB_LP_DRIVER if you want to user the native Linux usb parallel port driver (e.g. /dev/usb/lp[0-3]).iEndDeviceIndex
- This is the index that is appended to the root device name such as.. /dev/lp? /dev/usb/lp? ...
void changeTermServParallelPortDeviceDriver(int TermservId, java.lang.String DeviceDriver) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'DeviceDriver
- This is the device driver used for the end device. Use service.PARALLEL_LP_DRIVER is you want to use the native Linux parallel port driver (e.g. /dev/lp[0-3]). Use the
service.PARALLEL_USB_LP_DRIVER if you want to user the native Linux usb parallel port driver (e.g. /dev/usb/lp[0-3]).
void changeTermServParallelPortEndDeviceIndex(int TermservId, int EndDeviceIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'EndDeviceIndex
- This is the index that is appended to the root device name such as.. /dev/lp? /dev/usb/lp? ...
java.lang.String getTermServParallelPortDeviceDriver(int TermservId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'
int getTermServParallelPortEndDeviceIndex(int TermservId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This should be one of the Id's that is returned by the createTermServ() method. This value ranges from 0 to 'last TermServ Id'
int getTermServEndDeviceCount(int iTermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This is the index (or you could call it a handle) that is returned by the createTermServ() method.
java.lang.String[] getTermServEndDeviceNames(int iTermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This is the index (or handle if you like) that is returned by the createTermServ() method.
void deleteTermServEndDevice(int iTermServId, java.lang.String deviceDriver, int iEndDeviceIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- The index for a selected Terminal Server.deviceDriver
- This is one of service.SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER or service.SERIAL_LINUX_DRIVER or service.SERIAL_USB_DRIVERiEndDeviceIndex
- The index for a selected 'end device'.
void startTermServInstance(int iTermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This is the handle that was returned by the createTermServ() method.
void stopTermServInstance(int iTermServId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This is the handle that was returned by the createTermServ() method.