public interface ITermClientService
The ITermClientService interface is used to give a serial port access to a remote network server. This access can be continuous to a single remote server port or dynamically connected to a single server port based on a DCD input or any received data. One of many remote server ports can be accessed by using an ATDT lookup string in the dial out modem emulation mode.
Field Summary | |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
Reports the class name representing this interface. |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
Method Summary | |
void |
changeTermClientBaudRate(int iTermClientId,
int BaudRate)
This Method is used change the baud rate of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient |
void |
changeTermClientBufferSize(int iTermClientId,
int BufferSize)
This method is used configure the maximum number of bytes that will be forwarded in one pass from the serial port to the network port or vice versa for a previously created TermClient. |
void |
changeTermClientCancelEchoChars(int iTermClientId,
boolean CancelEchoChars)
This Method is used determine whether to block characters received while transmitting out of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionAtdtdial(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
java.lang.String AtdtDial)
This method is used to change the ATDTDial string used to determine to which remote network port the TermClient should connect for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionConnected(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
java.lang.String Connected)
This method is used to change the Connected string used to indicate a successful connection to a remote server for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionDisconnected(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
java.lang.String Disconnected)
This method is used to change the Disconnected string used to indicate a closed connection or a failure to connect to a remote server for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionDisconnectMode(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
java.lang.String DisconnectMode)
This method is used to change the Disconnect mode string used to determine what can be used to interrupt the connection for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionEchoMode(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
java.lang.String EchoMode)
This method is used to change the Echo mode string used to control the reply messages to the serial port or also the network port for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionHost1(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
java.lang.String Host1)
This method is used to change the first remote host's IP address that this connection record configures for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionHost2(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
java.lang.String Host2)
This method is used to change the second remote host's IP address that this connection record configures for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionHost3(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
java.lang.String Host3)
This method is used to change the third remote host's IP address that this connection record configures for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionHost4(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
java.lang.String Host4)
This method is used to change the fourth remote host's IP address that this connection record configures for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionHost5(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
java.lang.String Host5)
This method is used to change the fifth remote host's IP address that this connection record configures for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionHost6(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
java.lang.String Host6)
This method is used to change the sixth remote host's IP address that this connection record configures for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionHost7(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
java.lang.String Host7)
This method is used to change the seventh remote host's IP address that this connection record configures for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionHost8(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
java.lang.String Host8)
This method is used to change the eighth remote host's IP address that this connection record configures for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectionNetworkPort(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId,
int NetworkPort)
This method is used to change the remote network port to which the connection record configures for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
void |
changeTermClientConnectMode(int iTermClientId,
java.lang.String ConnectMode)
This method is used determine what initiates a connection to a remote server. |
void |
changeTermClientDataBits(int iTermClientId,
java.lang.String DataBits)
This Method is used change the data bits per character of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient |
void |
changeTermClientDemarkationMSec(int iTermClientId,
int DemarkationMsec)
This method is used determine the end of a stream of bytes received on a Serial Port for a previously created TermClient. |
void |
changeTermClientDeviceDriver(int iTermClientId,
java.lang.String sDeviceDriver)
This Method is used change the Device Driver used on the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient |
void |
changeTermClientDtrFollowsConnection(int iTermClientId,
boolean DtrFollowsConnection)
This method is used determine whether the DTR output on the serial port should transition to HI and LOW based on the state of the network connection for a previously created TermClient. |
void |
changeTermClientIdleTimerSeconds(int iTermClientId,
int IdleTimerSeconds)
This method is used determine when and if a connection to a remote server should be closed based on inactivity on a on a Serial Port for a previously created TermClient. |
void |
changeTermClientParity(int iTermClientId,
java.lang.String Parity)
This Method is used change the parity of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient |
void |
changeTermClientReconnectDelaySec(int iTermClientId,
int ReconnectDelaySec)
This method is used determine how long to delay reconnecting to a remote server once a previous connection breaks for a previously created TermClient. |
void |
changeTermClientReplyWithOk(int iTermClientId,
boolean ReplyWithOk)
This method is used determine whether the serial replies with an OK packet to any received serial packet beginning with 'AT' that does not match any dialing string for a previously created TermClient. |
void |
changeTermClientSerialPortIndex(int iTermClientId,
int SerialPortIndex)
This Method is used change the index of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient |
void |
changeTermClientStopBits(int iTermClientId,
java.lang.String StopBits)
This Method is used change the stop bits of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient |
void |
changeTermClientWarmDown(int iTermClientId,
int WarmDownMsec)
This Method is used change the RTS WarmDown Timer of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient. |
void |
changeTermClientWarmUp(int iTermClientId,
int WarmUpMsec)
This Method is used change the RTS Warmup Timer of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient. |
int |
createTermClient(java.lang.String sDeviceDriver,
int iSerialPortIndex,
int iBaudRate,
java.lang.String sParity,
java.lang.String sStopBits,
java.lang.String sDataBits,
int iWarmUpMSec,
int iWarmDownMSec,
boolean fCancelEchoChars,
int iBufferSize,
int iDemarkationMSec,
int iIdleTimerSeconds,
int iReconnectDelaySec,
boolean fReplyWithOk,
boolean fDtrFollowsConnection,
java.lang.String sConnectMode)
This method is used to create a new instance of TermClient. |
int |
createTermClientConnection(int iTermClientId,
java.lang.String sAtdtDial,
java.lang.String sDisconnected,
java.lang.String sConnected,
java.lang.String sDisconnectMode,
java.lang.String sEchoMode,
int iNetworkPort,
java.lang.String sHost1,
java.lang.String sHost2,
java.lang.String sHost3,
java.lang.String sHost4,
java.lang.String sHost5,
java.lang.String sHost6,
java.lang.String sHost7,
java.lang.String sHost8)
This method configures the information necessary to connect to a remote server. |
void |
deleteTermClientConnectionint(int iTermClientId,
int iTermClientConnectionId)
This method will eliminate one of the attached Host Connections that was created for the selected (iTermClientId) Terminal Client. |
int |
getTermClientBaudRate(int iTermClientId)
This Method is used read the baud rate of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient |
int |
getTermClientBufferSize(int iTermClientId)
This method is used read the maximum number of bytes that will be forwarded in one pass from the serial port to the network port or vice versa for a previously created TermClient. |
boolean |
getTermClientCancelEchoChars(int iTermClientId)
This Method is used return whether to block characters received while transmitting out of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient. |
java.lang.String |
getTermClientConnectionAtdtdial(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId)
This method is used to get the ATDTDial string used to determine to which remote network port the TermClient should connect for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
java.lang.String |
getTermClientConnectionConnected(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId)
This method is used to return the Connected string used to indicate a successful connection to a remote server for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
int |
getTermClientConnectionCount(int iTermClientId)
This method will return the count of connection definitions added to a selected Terminal Client |
java.lang.String |
getTermClientConnectionDisconnected(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId)
This method is used to return the Disconnected string used to indicate a closed connection or a failure to connect to a remote server for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
java.lang.String |
getTermClientConnectionDisconnectMode(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId)
This method is used to return the Disconnect mode string used to determine what can be used to interrupt the connection for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
java.lang.String |
getTermClientConnectionEchoMode(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId)
This method is used to return the Echo mode string used to control the reply messages to the serial port or also the network port for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
java.lang.String[] |
getTermClientConnectionHost(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId)
This method is used to return the first remote host's IP address that this connection record configures for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
int |
getTermClientConnectionNetworkPort(int TermClientId,
int ConnectionId)
This method is used to return the remote network port to which the connection record configures for a previously created TermClientConnection. |
java.lang.String |
getTermClientConnectMode(int iTermClientId)
This method returns what initiates a connection to a remote server. |
int |
Get the current count of configured Terminal Clients without guessing |
java.lang.String |
getTermClientDataBits(int iTermClientId)
This Method is used read the data bits per character of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient |
int |
getTermClientDemarkationMSec(int iTermClientId)
This method is used read demarkation time limit the end of a stream of bytes received on a Serial Port for a previously created TermClient. |
java.lang.String |
getTermClientDeviceDriver(int iTermClientId)
This Method is used read the Device Driver used on the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient |
boolean |
getTermClientDtrFollowsConnection(int iTermClientId)
This method returns whether the DTR output on the serial port should transition to HI and LOW based on the state of the network connection for a previously created TermClient. |
int |
getTermClientIdleTimerSeconds(int iTermClientId)
This method is used read if a connection to a remote server should be closed based on inactivity on a on a Serial Port for a previously created TermClient. |
java.lang.String |
getTermClientParity(int iTermClientId)
This Method is used read the parity of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient |
int |
getTermClientReconnectDelaySec(int iTermClientId)
This method reads how long to delay reconnecting to a remote server once a previous connection breaks for a previously created TermClient. |
boolean |
getTermClientReplyWithOk(int iTermClientId)
This method reads whether the serial replies with an OK packet to any received serial packet beginning with 'AT' that does not match any dialing string for a previously created TermClient. |
int |
getTermClientSerialPortIndex(int iTermClientId)
This Method is used read the index of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient |
java.lang.String |
getTermClientSerialPortName(int iTermClientId)
This function returns a single String. |
java.lang.String |
getTermClientStopBits(int iTermClientId)
This Method is used change the number of stop bits of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient |
int |
getTermClientWarmDown(int iTermClientId)
This Method is used read the RTS WarmDown Timer of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient. |
int |
getTermClientWarmUp(int iTermClientId)
This Method is used read the RTS Warmup Timer of the Serial Port for a previously created TermClient. |
void |
startTermClientInstance(int iTermClientId)
This method will attempt to start a new instance of TermClient using the appropriate configuration parameters. |
void |
stopTermClientInstance(int iTermClientId)
This method will attempt to stop a previously running instance of TermClient. |
Field Detail |
static final java.lang.String SERVICE_NAME
static final java.lang.String CONNECT_ALWAYS
static final java.lang.String CONNECT_ANYDATA
static final java.lang.String CONNECT_DCD
static final java.lang.String CONNECT_ATDT
static final java.lang.String CONNECT_DCD_OR_ATDT
static final java.lang.String SERIAL_LINUX_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String PARALLEL_LP_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String PARALLEL_USB_LP_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String SERIAL_VIRTUALPAIR_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String SERIAL_USB_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String SERIAL_ACM_DRIVER
static final java.lang.String PARITY_NONE
static final java.lang.String PARITY_EVEN
static final java.lang.String PARITY_ODD
static final java.lang.String PARITY_MARK
static final java.lang.String PARITY_SPACE
static final java.lang.String STOPBITS_1
static final java.lang.String STOPBITS_2
static final java.lang.String DATATBITS_5
static final java.lang.String DATATBITS_6
static final java.lang.String DATATBITS_7
static final java.lang.String DATATBITS_8
static final java.lang.String CLOSE_NEVER
static final java.lang.String CLOSE_DCD_DROPS
static final java.lang.String CLOSE_3PLUSES
static final java.lang.String CLOSE_DCD_OR_3PLUSES
static final java.lang.String ECHO_NEVER
static final java.lang.String ECHO_TO_SERIAL
static final java.lang.String ECHO_TO_SERIAL_AND_REMOTE
Method Detail |
int getTermClientCount()
int createTermClient(java.lang.String sDeviceDriver, int iSerialPortIndex, int iBaudRate, java.lang.String sParity, java.lang.String sStopBits, java.lang.String sDataBits, int iWarmUpMSec, int iWarmDownMSec, boolean fCancelEchoChars, int iBufferSize, int iDemarkationMSec, int iIdleTimerSeconds, int iReconnectDelaySec, boolean fReplyWithOk, boolean fDtrFollowsConnection, java.lang.String sConnectMode) throws java.lang.Exception
- This determines which /dev/ file will be used as the serial interface. (e.g. /dev/ttyS? or /dev/acscomm? or /dev/ttyUSB?)iSerialPortIndex
- This value will be appended to the /dev/FileName to select the proper physical interface. The sDeviceDriver and iSerialPortInstance will be used as a hash key to
uniquely identify each TermClient.iBaudRate
- This is the baud rate to be used on the serial device. Valid entries are... 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200.sParity
- This is the parity to be used on the serial port. Valid entries could be... service.PARITY_NONE, service.PARITY_EVEN, service.PARITY_ODD, service.PARITY_MARK,
service.PARITY_SPACE, and that's all folks.sStopBits
- This is the number of stop bits to be used on the serial device and can only be... service.STOPBITS_1 or service.STOPBITS_2.sDataBits
- This is the number of data bits in a character for the end devices. Valid entries... service.DATABITS_5 or service.DATABITS_6 or service.DATABITS_7 or service.DATABITS_8iWarmUpMSec
- This is the number of milliseconds used after raising RTS before sending a payload to the serial port.. If set to 0 then nothing is sent until CTS is true. If it is set to -1
then no handshaking is used on the serial port. Only available when using the SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER.iWarmDownMSec
- This is the number of milliseconds to delay lowering RTS after the last byte leaves the serial port. Only available with the SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER.fCancelEchoChars
- This will configure the serial port to not accept any bytes while it is transmitting. Only available with SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER.iBufferSize
- This is the maximum number of bytes that can be managed between the IP Port and the Serial port.iDemarkationMSec
- This is the maximum intra-byte delay before the accumulated bytes are forwarded from the serial port to the network port.iIdleTimerSeconds
- This determines the number if seconds of inactivity until the TermClient closes the connection. Zero seconds will never close.iReconnectDelaySec
- This is the number of seconds the TermClient will sleep before attempting to reconnect to its server when a socket closes unexpectedly.fReplyWithOk
- This instructs the TermClient reply with OK messages whenever the connect mode is ATDT and the serial port receives a packet beginning with AT but does not match any ATDT
- This controls whether the DTR (data terminal ready) pin of the serial port should be raised or lowered to indicate the state of the network connection.sConnectMode
- This string can be one of service.CONNECT_ALWAYS, service.CONNECT_ANYDATA, service.CONNECT_DCD, service.CONNECT_ATDT, service.CONNECT_DCD_OR_ATDT.
void changeTermClientDeviceDriver(int iTermClientId, java.lang.String sDeviceDriver) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.sDeviceDriver
- The name of the device driver to be used such as service.SERIAL_LINUX_DRIVER, service.SERIAL_CUSTOM_DRIVER, service.SERIAL_VIRTUALPAIR_DRIVER, or service.SERIAL_USB_DRIVER
void changeTermClientSerialPortIndex(int iTermClientId, int SerialPortIndex) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.SerialPortIndex
- The zero based index of the serial port that is appended to the appropriate base name such as /dev/ttyS, /dev/ttyUSB or /dev/acscomm
void changeTermClientBaudRate(int iTermClientId, int BaudRate) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.BaudRate
- The serial baud rate required from 300 to 115200.
void changeTermClientParity(int iTermClientId, java.lang.String Parity) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.Parity
- The serial port's parity such as service.PARITY_NONE, service.PARITY_ODD, service.PARITY_EVEN, service.PARITY_SPACE or service.PARITY_MARK
void changeTermClientStopBits(int iTermClientId, java.lang.String StopBits) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.StopBits
- The serial port's number of stop bits such as service.STOPBITS_1 or service.STOPBITS_2
void changeTermClientDataBits(int iTermClientId, java.lang.String DataBits) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.DataBits
- The serial port's number of data bits per character such as service.DATAPBITS_5, service.DATABITS_6, service.DATABITS_7 or service.DATABITS_8
void changeTermClientWarmUp(int iTermClientId, int WarmUpMsec) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.WarmUpMsec
- The serial port's number of milliseconds to wait for CTS after raising RTS. If -1 then don't raise RTS and don't wait on CTS. If 0 then raise RTS and wait forever for CTS. If
>0 then raise RTS and wait WarmUpMSec milliseconds before sending data without regard to CTS.
void changeTermClientWarmDown(int iTermClientId, int WarmDownMsec) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.WarmDownMsec
- The serial port's number of milliseconds to wait on lowering RTS after the last bytes is transmitted. If -1 then don't lower RTS. If 0 then lower RTS immediately after the
last byte leaves. If >0 then wait WarmDownMsec after last byte before lowering RTS.
void changeTermClientCancelEchoChars(int iTermClientId, boolean CancelEchoChars) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.CancelEchoChars
- If 'true' then discard any characters received while transmitting.
void changeTermClientBufferSize(int iTermClientId, int BufferSize) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.BufferSize
- This is the number of bytes that can be received on a serial port before they are forwarded to the network port regardless of whether the demark timer has expired.
void changeTermClientDemarkationMSec(int iTermClientId, int DemarkationMsec) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.DemarkationMsec
- This is the number of milliseconds to wait for one more bytes on a serial port before forwarding them to the network port.
void changeTermClientIdleTimerSeconds(int iTermClientId, int IdleTimerSeconds) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.IdleTimerSeconds
- This is the number of seconds to wait for any bytes from the network port before closing the network connection. If set to zero then never close based on inactivity.
void changeTermClientReconnectDelaySec(int iTermClientId, int ReconnectDelaySec) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ReconnectDelaySec
- This is the number of seconds to wait before reconnecting to a remote server in the service.CONNECT_ALWAYS mode.
void changeTermClientReplyWithOk(int iTermClientId, boolean ReplyWithOk) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ReplyWithOk
- This is either 'true' or 'false'.
void changeTermClientDtrFollowsConnection(int iTermClientId, boolean DtrFollowsConnection) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.DtrFollowsConnection
- This is either 'true' or 'false'.
void changeTermClientConnectMode(int iTermClientId, java.lang.String ConnectMode) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectMode
- This is string determines what technique is used to initiate a connection to the remote server.
java.lang.String getTermClientDeviceDriver(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
int getTermClientSerialPortIndex(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
int getTermClientBaudRate(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
java.lang.String getTermClientParity(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
java.lang.String getTermClientStopBits(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
java.lang.String getTermClientDataBits(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
int getTermClientWarmUp(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
int getTermClientWarmDown(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
boolean getTermClientCancelEchoChars(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
int getTermClientBufferSize(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
int getTermClientDemarkationMSec(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
int getTermClientIdleTimerSeconds(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
int getTermClientReconnectDelaySec(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
boolean getTermClientReplyWithOk(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
boolean getTermClientDtrFollowsConnection(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
java.lang.String getTermClientConnectMode(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.
int createTermClientConnection(int iTermClientId, java.lang.String sAtdtDial, java.lang.String sDisconnected, java.lang.String sConnected, java.lang.String sDisconnectMode, java.lang.String sEchoMode, int iNetworkPort, java.lang.String sHost1, java.lang.String sHost2, java.lang.String sHost3, java.lang.String sHost4, java.lang.String sHost5, java.lang.String sHost6, java.lang.String sHost7, java.lang.String sHost8) throws java.lang.Exception
- This is the handle returned by the createTermClient() method.sAtdtDial
- This is the ATDT string that is used in the dial-out modem emulation. This parameter should be null ("") if the connection mode is ALWAYS or ANYDATA. This parameter is used as
the unique key for connection references.sDisconnected
- This string can be returned when a connection attempt fails or when a connection closes.sConnected
- This string can be returned when a connection attempt succeeds.sDisconnectMode
- This string controls what can cause the connection to be shutdown such as service.CLOSE_NEVER, service.CLOSE_DCD_DROPS, service.CLOSE_3PLUSES,
service.CLOSE_DCD_OR_3PLUSES. The 3PLUSES means if there is a pause in the serial port activity, then a string of three plus signs, "+++", is received then the connection will be
- This string controls if and where modem reply messages can be sent such as "OK", "CONNECT", "DISCONNECT". The options are service.ECHO_NEVER, service.ECHO_TO_SERIAL and
- This is the remote host's network port to which the TermClient will connect.sHost1
- This string is the first remote host's IP Address to which the TermClient will connect. The dotted notation must be used such as "".sHost2
- If the connection to sHost1 fails and this string is null ("") then the TermClient will abort any further connection attempts. This string is the second remote host's IP Address
to which the TermClient will connect. The dotted notation must be used such as "".sHost3
- If the connection to sHost2 fails and this string is null ("") then the TermClient will abort any further connection attempts. This string is the third remote host's IP Address to
which the TermClient will connect. The dotted notation must be used such as "".sHost4
- If the connection to sHost3 fails and this string is null ("") then the TermClient will abort any further connection attempts. This string is the fourth remote host's IP Address
to which the TermClient will connect. The dotted notation must be used such as "".sHost5
- If the connection to sHost4 fails and this string is null ("") then the TermClient will abort any further connection attempts. This string is the fifth remote host's IP Address to
which the TermClient will connect. The dotted notation must be used such as "".sHost6
- If the connection to sHost5 fails and this string is null ("") then the TermClient will abort any further connection attempts. This string is the sixth remote host's IP Address to
which the TermClient will connect. The dotted notation must be used such as "".sHost7
- If the connection to sHost6 fails and this string is null ("") then the TermClient will abort any further connection attempts. This string is the seventh remote host's IP Address
to which the TermClient will connect. The dotted notation must be used such as "".sHost8
- If the connection to sHost8 fails and this string is null ("") then the TermClient will abort any further connection attempts. This string is the last remote host's IP Address to
which the TermClient will connect. The dotted notation must be used such as "".
void changeTermClientConnectionAtdtdial(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, java.lang.String AtdtDial) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.AtdtDial
- The unique string that is matched to an incoming serial port string to select a connection record.
void changeTermClientConnectionDisconnected(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, java.lang.String Disconnected) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.Disconnected
- For example DISCONNECTED
void changeTermClientConnectionConnected(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, java.lang.String Connected) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.Connected
- For example CONNECTED
void changeTermClientConnectionDisconnectMode(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, java.lang.String DisconnectMode) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.DisconnectMode
- For example service.CLOSE_NEVER, service.CLOSE_DCD_DROPS, service.CLOSE_3PLUSES, or service.CLOSE_DCD_OR_3PLUSES
void changeTermClientConnectionEchoMode(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, java.lang.String EchoMode) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.EchoMode
- For example service.ECHO_NEVER, service.ECHO_TO_SERIAL, or service.ECHO_TO_SERIAL_AND_REMOTE
void changeTermClientConnectionNetworkPort(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, int NetworkPort) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.NetworkPort
- Ranging from 1 to 65535
void changeTermClientConnectionHost1(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, java.lang.String Host1) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.Host1
- Four octets with period separation characters
void changeTermClientConnectionHost2(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, java.lang.String Host2) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.Host2
- Four octets with period separation characters
void changeTermClientConnectionHost3(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, java.lang.String Host3) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.Host3
- Four octets with period separation characters
void changeTermClientConnectionHost4(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, java.lang.String Host4) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.Host4
- Four octets with period separation characters
void changeTermClientConnectionHost5(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, java.lang.String Host5) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.Host5
- Four octets with period separation characters
void changeTermClientConnectionHost6(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, java.lang.String Host6) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.Host6
- Four octets with period separation characters
void changeTermClientConnectionHost7(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, java.lang.String Host7) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.Host7
- Four octets with period separation characters
void changeTermClientConnectionHost8(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId, java.lang.String Host8) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.Host8
- Four octets with period separation characters
java.lang.String getTermClientConnectionAtdtdial(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.
java.lang.String getTermClientConnectionDisconnected(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.
java.lang.String getTermClientConnectionConnected(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.
java.lang.String getTermClientConnectionDisconnectMode(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.
java.lang.String getTermClientConnectionEchoMode(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.
int getTermClientConnectionNetworkPort(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.
java.lang.String[] getTermClientConnectionHost(int TermClientId, int ConnectionId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The Identifier returned by the createTermClient() method.ConnectionId
- The identifier returned by the createTermClientConnetion() method.
int getTermClientConnectionCount(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This is the index (or handle) that is returned by the createTermClientConnectoin() method.
java.lang.String getTermClientSerialPortName(int iTermClientId)
- This is the index (or handle if you like) that is returned by the createTermClient() method.
void deleteTermClientConnectionint(int iTermClientId, int iTermClientConnectionId) throws java.lang.Exception
- The index for a selected TermClient.iTermClientConnectionId
- The index for a selected 'Host Connection'.
void startTermClientInstance(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This is the handle that was returned by the createTermClient() method.
void stopTermClientInstance(int iTermClientId) throws java.lang.Exception
- This is the handle that was returned by the createTermClient() method.