Interface IBootstrapService

public interface IBootstrapService

A service for managing ESF bootstrapping. Configuration will be accepted in the form of an XML file. The XML file to be used is by default in ESF_HOME/configuration/.esf/com.esf.core.system.bootstap/services.xml. The form of the XML file is as follows: org.apache.felix.webconsole-1.0.0.jar LOG_LEVEL_WARNING com.esf.util.algorithm.crc LOG_LEVEL_WARNING This is essentially an extension to Equinox's standard config.ini file. At this point you can set the ESF log level with this mechanism. However, this may be extended in the future to provide additional controls on the ESF start up system. Copyright © 2009 Eurotech Inc. All rights reserved.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String SERVICE_NAME
          Reports the class name representing this interface.
Method Summary
 void findAndLoadBundle(java.lang.String bundleSymbolicName)
          finds and loads a specific bundle.
 java.lang.String[] getFailedToLoadBundles()
          returns a list of unsuccessfully loaded bundles that the @IBootstrapService attempted to load
 java.lang.String[] getLoadedBundles()
          returns a list of successfully loaded bundles that were loaded using the @IBootstrapService
 java.lang.String[] getLoadedDropinBundles()
          returns a list of successfully loaded 'dropin' bundles that were loaded using the @IBootstrapService
 java.lang.String[] getLoadedJunitBundles()
          returns a list of successfully loaded 'junit' bundles that were loaded using the @IBootstrapService
 java.lang.String getLogLevel(java.lang.String bundleSymbolicName)
          gets the log level as set in the services.xml file

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String SERVICE_NAME
Reports the class name representing this interface.

Method Detail


java.lang.String[] getLoadedBundles()
returns a list of successfully loaded bundles that were loaded using the @IBootstrapService

an array of @String representing the bundle names that were loaded at ESF startup


java.lang.String[] getLoadedDropinBundles()
returns a list of successfully loaded 'dropin' bundles that were loaded using the @IBootstrapService

an array of @String representing the bundle names that were loaded at ESF startup from the ESF dropins directory


java.lang.String[] getLoadedJunitBundles()
returns a list of successfully loaded 'junit' bundles that were loaded using the @IBootstrapService

an array of @String representing the bundle names that were loaded at ESF startup from the ESF junit directory


java.lang.String[] getFailedToLoadBundles()
returns a list of unsuccessfully loaded bundles that the @IBootstrapService attempted to load

an array of @String representing the bundle names that failed to load even though they were defined in the services.xml file to be loaded


java.lang.String getLogLevel(java.lang.String bundleSymbolicName)
gets the log level as set in the services.xml file

bundleSymbolicName - the symbolic name of the bundle to get the log level of
a @String representing the log level currently defined


void findAndLoadBundle(java.lang.String bundleSymbolicName)
finds and loads a specific bundle. This is useful for dynamic agents that control items such as usb modems that may be removed or inserted and runtime.

bundleName - the symbolic name of the bundle to find and load