Interface IBluetoothSppListener

public interface IBluetoothSppListener

Callback interface for the handling of events generated by the ESF serial port profile agent.

Method Summary
 void newConnectionStatus(boolean connected)
          Called by the SPP agent thread to indicate that the connection to the remote device has been either newly established or newly lost.
 void newData(byte[] data)
          Called by the SPP agent thread when new data has arrived from the remote device.

Method Detail


void newData(byte[] data)
Called by the SPP agent thread when new data has arrived from the remote device. The application should process or copy the data before returning from this method, as the buffer data may be destroyed.

data - byte[], new input data from the remote device.


void newConnectionStatus(boolean connected)
Called by the SPP agent thread to indicate that the connection to the remote device has been either newly established or newly lost.

connected - boolean, true if the connection to the remote device is established.