Everyware™ Software Framework API


Eurotech’s Everyware™ Software Framework (ESF) is an inclusive and targeted software framework, with integrated components from BIOS to business level application software, based on open standards, tools, and implementations.  It provides a framework for producing marketable applications with a minimum of development effort, using Eurotech’s wide range of hardware platform offerings.


ESF API (version 2)


Following are links to the ESF version 2 API (Javadocs).  To obtain the ESF software, see http://esf.eurotech.com.



API for latest ESF release

ESF API v2.0.3



ESF API v2.0.2

ESF API v2.0.1

ESF API v2.0.0

ESF API v2.0.0 (RC2)


See the following for additional documentation:

Everyware Software Framework (ESF) Developer’s Guide

Everyware Cloud Developer’s Guide



ESF API (version 1 archive)


The following API documents and software update sites are archived here for reference; however, it is recommended to use ESF version 2 for new project development.  Update sites are not meant for browsing, but to be used in Eclipse for installing ESF components.



ESF version 1 API


Update site (Eclipse)

ESF API v1.4.0

http://esfdownload.eurotech-inc.com/update_site/  (ESF 1.4.1)


ESF API v1.3.0


ESF API v1.2.0




ESF API v1.1.0





See the following for additional documentation:

Everyware Software Framework (ESF) Developer’s Guide (v1.4.1)